The basis is considered to be a certain fundamental material structure (surface), on which in the future any structures, their components, technical devices, engineering structures, etc. will be installed (mounted, applied), etc. they differ in application, that is, in what will be placed on them during the construction (installation) of engineering or technical structures (devices).
Varieties of foundations in architecture

In construction, each segment of the construction of a building is based on its foundation. The most significant here are:
- Under the foundation. Before the construction of any architectural structure, experts carefully examine the ground on which this structure will have to stand for many years. And it is on what qualities the soil will have that the choice of foundation will depend, onwhich this building will be erected.
- Under sewer pipes and other engineering structures. Most often, this is the same soil on which the building will be erected.
- Under load-bearing walls. After the foundation is erected, it automatically becomes the base for the load-bearing walls of the building.
- Under the floors. The floor of the basement floor can serve as the basis for the floors of the first floor, and the ceilings of the previous floors can serve as the basis for the subsequent floors.
- Under the roof. In most cases, they are the load-bearing walls of the building.
- Under plaster. It is used as internal and external areas of load-bearing walls and interior partitions.
In simple terms, no matter what is in front of you, it always rests on something that is its foundation. And now let's talk about the varieties of foundations in architecture in more detail.
Foundation bases

There are many varieties of foundations, and this is no accident. Each of the foundations is designed for its own foundation. Types of bases for foundations differ in their degree:
- bearing capacity;
- compression;
- heaving;
- washout and solubility under the influence of groundwater;
- freezing;
- drawdowns and susceptibility to landslides.
It is on the basis of these factors that the type of foundation is chosen on which the structure will be erected. Types of soils, that is, foundations for buildings, are divided into:
- Cartilage - excellentsuitable for building a structure on a shallow strip foundation. Its composition is clay and sand with impurities of crushed stone. It is almost not washed out and gives little sediment.
- Sandy - suitable for any strip foundations, including block foundations. Sand is an excellent base, perfectly compacted and moisture permeable. All this makes it dense and reliable, so the future building on this basis can also be erected on a columnar foundation.
- Rocky is the strongest and most reliable of all. Suitable for any type of foundation.
- Clay - the most heaving soil. For this, a strip or slab foundation will be just right.
- Swampy - no type of foundation, except for piles, will work here. It is advisable to use screw piles.
- Peat is also a rather weak soil. On such unstable and floating bases, it is best to stop on a slab foundation.
Pipe bases
Depending on the types of soil, the types of bases for pipelines are divided into:
- Sandy.
- Concrete.
- Reinforced concrete.

In the case of rocky, sandy, loamy and dry clay soils, the foundation for the pipes is laid with a 15 cm sandy, well-packed bed.
If the soil is highly plastic, as is the case with some varieties of clay and loamy varieties, constantly saturated with moisture in excess, it will be necessary to lay concrete slabs and a chair (coverage angle135°).
Laying pipelines in freshly filled soils, as well as in soils with expected and unpredictable settlement, requires the foundation of reinforced concrete pads.
Bases for bearing walls

Types of bases for load-bearing walls directly depend on the design features of the foundation, since, in fact, it serves as their basis. Depending on its varieties, as well as on the weight of the building, load-bearing walls begin to be erected:
- in the case of a strip foundation - directly on the walls (ribs) of the strip foundation itself;
- in the case of slab - on the stove;
- in the case of a columnar or pile foundation, a grillage is mounted, and the walls are already being built on it.
Types of bases for paving stones can be concrete (reinforced concrete grillage) or metal. Many even build a wooden pile foundation with a wooden grillage.
Floor bases

There are many types of bases for floors, but they all boil down to the following pattern:
- Compacted soil, on which a layer of gravel-sand mixture is distributed, also carefully compacted.
- Small width rough concrete base.
- Layer of steam, hydro and thermal insulation. As a vapor barrier, special liquid rubbers, diffuse membranes or polyethylene film are used. Many at this stage choose construction roofing. In most cases, polystyrene foam acts as thermal insulation, although many, again, can be content with a layer of expanded clay. Waterproofing - the same polyethylene or polypropylene.
- Reinforced concrete screed that will serve as the basis for the main flooring.
Roof bases
Types of foundations for roofing directly depend on whether the attic floor will be residential, and on the types of roofing material. In the event that living quarters are located in the attic, the roof should be better insulated and equipped from the inside so as to serve as the basis for interior decoration.
Depending on the mentioned factors, the types of bases can be made with hanging or layered rafters. In the first case, a lightweight construction may consist of a puff, rafters and a crossbar. In a more robust design, a strut-beam with struts can be used instead of a crossbar.

The construction of the roof base with layered rafters is not complete without mauerlats, laying, running, rack-beams and, again, rafters. A more complex design implies additional reinforcement with a crossbar and struts. For laying roofing material, depending on its type, the rafters are equipped with a crate. In the case of rolled varieties of roofing material, instead of rafters, a board stuffed close to each other can be used.

Option for plaster: varieties
There are several types of bases for plastering. All of them vary depending on the materials and surface structure, onwhich it will be applied.

Main types of bases:
- Wall surface coated with a special primer. There are different types of primers suitable for both concrete and wood surfaces. All of them enhance the adhesion of the plaster mixture to the material of the wall or wall covering.
- A wall surface that is often marked with special notches to increase the adhesion of the plaster to the surface material. On rough brick, plaster always sets well. If the masonry is made of smooth brick or the plaster will be applied to a flat concrete surface, there is a high risk that it will simply peel off the wall and collapse. That's what notches are for. They look like oblong furrows, up to 0.5 cm deep, made as often as possible over the entire area of the wall.
- Wall surface equipped with reinforced mesh. The mesh, planted on dowels, will hold the plaster on any surface. If the plaster will be applied to painted walls, both serifs and reinforced mesh should be used.
- Wall surface equipped with reed mat. This type of foundation is used in houses with adobe, wooden walls or partitions. The reed mat will securely hold the plaster on any of these surfaces.
There are many more types of bases, for example, a base for puttying, for painting, for wallpaper, but they are all based on the same principle - to improve adhesionfinishing materials with a surface. Who wants to get acquainted with the preparation of walls for wallpapering, can watch the following video.

As you can see from the material of the article, the architecture does not tolerate simplicity. All components of the structure must not only be carefully sized, but also well fastened together. And this will help to do a thorough and proper preparation of the grounds.