Furniture factories and stores offer customers a wide range of beautiful modern interior items in various price categories. As a rule, people pay attention to the quality of workmanship and external design.
However, there has always been a category of buyers who choose furniture on the principle of "cheap and cheerful", as well as people who have limited financial opportunities and space. They are interested in the offers of factories that can provide furniture that is both high-quality and inexpensive, and even functional.

If you are looking for just such furniture, the Eurobook sofa is just such a proposal. Its minimalist design, with a comfortable, durable wood frame that folds out into a double bed, is a great proposition for people living in apartments with a small footprint.

Great deal
More than anythingthe eurobook sofa with an orthopedic mattress is in demand. Each of us knows that the body must rest during sleep. If you sleep on an uneven, too soft and sinking or too hard surface, then by morning you will feel overwhelmed and even more tired. Orthopedic mattresses are specially designed to keep the body in the correct position - in those positions necessary for good rest, which are provided by nature itself.
Eurobook sofa with orthopedic mattress is an economical option for a double bed. Both the price and quality in this case are in sufficient harmony so that you can safely buy a sofa for your family and not be afraid of disappointment.
He is chosen by both young and old
Eurobook sofa with an orthopedic mattress can also be an excellent piece of furniture for a children's or teenage room. During the day, your children can receive their guests on the sofa - friends and girlfriends - or relax on it with a book or a TV remote control, and in the evening, with a slight movement of the hand, the child himself is able to turn the sofa into a comfortable spacious bed. In the morning, you can reassemble the sofa by hiding all the bedding in a roomy linen compartment. Really comfortable, functional and unpretentious! And most importantly - saves valuable space!

Eurobook sofa with orthopedic mattress is also perfect for your elderly parents. It is known that the older a person is, the more problems he has with sleep and relaxation. Orthopedic mattresses allow you to optimally arrange the body on their surface and relax without tension. If your parents often come to you, or they live with you - give them a gift, buy a comfortable sofa!
"Eurobook"-sofa: prices
On average, prices for it start at 350 USD. e. and reach a maximum of 500 y. e. This is a really inexpensive sofa that performs two main functions at the same time. Many stores offer installment plans, so families with limited financial resources can purchase a sofa almost unnoticed by the family budget.