Garden plants are very diverse, with which you can transform your summer cottage and make it a positive place to relax. It is only important to choose them correctly, taking into account the purpose, height, flowering time and many other factors.

What should grow in the garden
A rare garden does without fruit trees. Most often it is an apple tree that can grow in almost any climatic conditions. A variety of berry bushes perform a variety of functions here. They can serve as a living fence (rose hips, hawthorn), provide a harvest of tasty and he althy berries (currants, gooseberries, raspberries, etc.), which are used in home-made preparations. In addition, during the flowering period, many shrubs also play a decorative role.
The vineyard, which can be an architectural structure, will become a real decoration of the garden. Instead, hops are also planted as a hedge. Decorative flowers, both perennial and annual, are the most popular garden plants. Miniature inflorescences of violets and marigolds, large luxurious peonies, gladioli and roses are able to delight with their beauty onthroughout the summer season. Fragrant and bright flower beds and flower beds are a must for any garden.
They are indispensable in any suburban area and, having settled once, remain there for many years. The most sought-after shrubs are those that not only delight the eye with their beautiful appearance, but also bring delicious fruits.

Berry bushes are also very popular because they are easy to care for and do not require much time and labor.
Today, many gardeners, in addition to the usual and familiar from childhood currants and gooseberries, seek to find interesting and exotic species of fruit and berry plants. One of them is a healing culture called lemongrass. Eastern healers have long used it to eliminate fatigue, have a beneficial effect on the organs of vision and increase vitality.
From the fruits of lemongrass, you can harvest not only preserves and jams. They can be dried and used as a remedy. The leaves of this plant are also useful - they make a fragrant and tonic tea.
No less interesting garden plants are brilliant cotoneaster, hawthorn, honeysuckle, actinidia and many others.
Each bush has its place
When planting berry fields, it must be taken into account that they will be located on the selected site for at least ten years. Therefore, you can not make a mistake with a suitable place for them. It is recommended to plant shrubs where there is good lighting, preferably on small hills orknolls. From plants, you can form spectacular borders, beautiful edges and groups. Shrubs such as raspberries, blackberries help decorate a nondescript fence or unsightly places on the site. A blueberry bush will look great in planting heather or coniferous crops.
An experienced gardener and gardener knows that some fruit and berry bushes should be planted in the fall, and others in the spring. This takes into account weather conditions, soil properties and many other factors.

Before landing, there is a lot of preparatory work to be done. One and a half to two months before this, the place where shrubs will grow is leveled and dug up, destroying all weeds. Then the necessary fertilizers are applied to the soil and drainage is carried out.
How to plant trees the right way
It's no secret that trees, like people, not everyone can easily get along next door to each other. Between them there is often a struggle for soil, light, water. And some die in this fight. To avoid such cases, beginner gardeners should gain some knowledge about allelopathy (the compatibility of plants with each other).
You can safely plant nearby trees such as apple, mountain ash, pear. Their neighborhood even has a beneficial effect on development. But juniper, hawthorn, birch and apricot are recommended to be planted away from them. When selecting various plants for the garden, such factors must be considered.

The walnut is the most capricious in this regard,which is usually placed on the very outskirts of the site, away from other trees. It is believed that the toxic substances produced by the plant are capable of destroying all other fruit and berry plantations.
Flowers for the garden
It's hard to imagine a garden plot without them. The appearance of its entire territory largely depends on how competently these plants are selected. Those who are forced to visit the garden infrequently should first of all pay attention to flowers that require minimal care. Garden plants in this case should be quite unpretentious and tolerate drought well. Such flowers are marigolds, nasturtium, morning glory and many others.
With the help of perennials, you can ensure the beauty of the site throughout the season. In spring, the decoration of the garden will be: primrose, aquilegia, anemone, brunner, bergenia. In summer, hydrangeas, peonies, irises, phloxes, echinacea, and daylilies bloom beautifully. Chrysanthemums, asters, stonecrop create a real riot of colors in autumn, when other plants are already losing their decorative appearance.
A competent gardener and gardener will definitely take into account the flowering time of plants when planting, so that the site from spring to autumn pleases the eye with its beautiful view.

Perennial Flowers
This is a very convenient option for those who do not have time to deal with transplanting flowers and changing their composition every year. Rooted perennials will decorate the garden for many years. Among them, the most popular are dahlias and peonies. The latter are capable of blooming rapidly foralmost the entire summer period. In addition to flowers, the dark green glossy leaves of this plant also perform a decorative function. They are planted in well-lit places that are not subject to flooding or high humidity.
Dahlias bloom towards the end of summer. The soil they need is fertile, with good moisture. Like any other ornamental garden plant, dahlias require regular feeding, timely watering and weed control.
Original ornamental grasses
Even the most shaded garden corner, where many flowers do not take root, can be turned into a beautiful meadow. There are various perennials that thrive in such dimly lit areas. These are noble herbs, decorative to which their variegated and multi-colored leaves give. One such plant is the fern.

Its feathery large leaves can be a real decoration of the garden, forming green compositions along with shade-tolerant flowers, such as lungwort. Another perennial common in gardens, which has an exquisite shape of a leaf plate, is called hosta. The leaves of this plant have a purple border and are covered with white stripes, speckles and marble stains.
Landscape design
If a garden is well planned, it is much easier to maintain. First of all, before planting, it is recommended to create a plan on paper, writing out all the names of garden plants to be planted, indicating their flowering time, size anddegree of shade tolerance. This will help to correctly form the landscape.
Perennials decorated with baskets, vessels and other similar decorative elements look original in the garden. Flower beds can be arranged in the form of a variety of geometric shapes. The middle of the ridge should be occupied by the tallest plants, then medium height, and ornamental grass or undersized flowers should be planted along the edges.

An interesting option for decorating a garden are wooden flower beds. Plants in them tolerate winter very well. The main thing is to treat the tree with an antiseptic to prevent rotting. Iron sheets will help to give the flower beds a different shape. But it is not recommended to plant plants in concrete flower beds, as they can easily freeze.
It will help to create a garden that will arouse admiration and envy of others, an experienced florist or landscape designer who perfectly knows garden plants, their growing conditions, care features, etc.