Should I focus on buying a solid wood kitchen?

Should I focus on buying a solid wood kitchen?
Should I focus on buying a solid wood kitchen?

Before acquiring a kitchen in one style or another, it is important to remember that fashion is constantly changing, and in 5-6 years your house may seem old and ugly. This is especially true for lovers of such a design style as modern. But how to be? Fortunately, in the world there is such a style of decorating kitchens and other rooms that has always been and will always be modern. And it's called classic. And its characteristic feature is the use of wooden furniture and natural wood as a finishing material.

solid wood kitchens
solid wood kitchens

Kitchens made of solid wood are always boundless comfort and impeccable, refined style. Furniture made from such material will always look beautiful, fashionable and attractive. But is it worth it to opt for a solid wood kitchen? You will find the answer to this question in this article.

Characteristic of natural wood

This material, due to its properties, is very vulnerable to moisture and sunlight, and is also afraid of mechanical damage (especially scratches). He does not likelarge temperature fluctuations, characteristic of almost any kitchen. That is why many conscientious companies cover the surface of this material with a special varnish and high-quality impregnation, which relieve natural wood from almost all of the above disadvantages. Thanks to this, solid wood kitchens will look attractive and elegant for many years to come. But still, the impregnated and varnished wood will still be afraid of scratches, which can easily appear with careless handling of the knife. Such irregularities can be eliminated only with the use of special mastic.

Kitchens from solid wood. Belarus offers

With all its obvious advantages, products made from such material are very whimsical to maintain. The first thing you need to know when buying a kitchen made of solid wood is certain rules for caring for wood, the neglect of which will threaten an uneven and ugly surface after a few months of operation. Initially, it is worth immediately considering that this material does not tolerate the effects of alkaline agents.

It is unacceptable to care for such a kitchen using soda, vinegar and other acids. Chlorine also has a negative effect on this surface. The only way out of this situation is to use detergents for washing windows and dishes. It is these two substances that will positively affect the overall condition of the solid wood kitchen. The price of such funds is quite affordable, so you can use them without difficulty. Additionally, you can treat the lacquered finish with a special wax for furniture, which will give the wood a greater shine.

solid wood kitchens price
solid wood kitchens price


Summing up, we can say that solid wood kitchens have many advantages and many disadvantages, mainly related to maintenance during operation. And if you are ready to shell out a tidy sum for such a kitchen set, it will undoubtedly thank you for a long service life.
