How to supply water to a private house from a well? This question is faced by people who have acquired property in the private sector or in suburban communities. And this is true, not everywhere it is possible to connect to a centralized system. There is always a way out of any situation, even if you have to spend a lot.

Today, a lot of companies provide well drilling services, and there will be no problems regarding the acquisition of material. A well is not a centralized system that can provide the desired water pressure, and therefore it is necessary to install additional equipment to ensure ease of use of the future water supply. How to organize the most efficient water supply to a private house from a well will be discussed in this article.
This will not be some kind of rustic washbasin, but a real system, with the ability to connect a modern sanitaryequipment up to the Jacuzzi.

So, the drilling of the well will have to be entrusted to a specialized company, since it is unlikely that it will work out on its own, because often the water is very deep. Water from the well is supplied by a water pump or a submersible pump. Its power depends on the depth of the well and the productivity sufficient for water supply. In addition to the pump, an electric cable and a hose responsible for water supply are immersed in the well. Therefore, the weight of the submerged structure is quite significant. To do this, an analogue of a winch is installed above the well, which greatly simplifies the process of lifting and lowering. In addition to the usual, handmade winches, there are special ones that can be purchased at the store. They differ in that they have two drums: one for the cable, the second for the electric cable and hose. It is worth remembering that it is forbidden to immerse and pull out the structure by the hose or cable.
After installation, the winch can be hidden, the cable can be fixed on the mouth of the well, and the hose can be connected to the water supply, which is laid in a pre-dug trench. The depth of the moat should be sufficient to avoid freezing of water in winter. If for some reason this cannot be done, then the water supply should be insulated.

It is not difficult to organize the water supply of a private house from a well, the main thing is not to leave all the output hoses and cables outside, which, for example, can be damaged by a dog during games. Try to hide the well as much as possible. You can fence it, or make something in the form of a hiding place with a lid. To do this, a recess is dug around the well and securely covered. The water supply of a private house from a well is an individual autonomous system, thanks to which you can use water for various purposes.
For ease of use, automatic water supply is built into the system, providing independent operation.
This is a simple way to get an independent autonomous water supply for a private house.