How to lay stones in a sauna stove: choice, laying order, sequence

How to lay stones in a sauna stove: choice, laying order, sequence
How to lay stones in a sauna stove: choice, laying order, sequence

To maintain the correct conditions in the steam room, you need to correctly calculate the performance of the furnace. But she will not be able to generate the required amount of heat if the stones are not properly selected for her. It is also important to know how to properly lay them inside the heater. This is a responsible job, during which many people make mistakes. To prevent this from happening, it will be discussed in detail how to lay the stones in the sauna stove, as well as what material is suitable for this.

How to choose stones?

Which stones to put in the sauna oven? To make the right choice, you need to consider a few tips from professionals. It should be noted that not all stones are suitable for such purposes. The material must have high thermal conductivity, as well as be environmentally friendly. Stones should not emit, when heated, harmful to human he alth.substances. Therefore, it is worth purchasing material only in specialized outlets that have a good reputation.

What kind of stones to put in the sauna oven?
What kind of stones to put in the sauna oven?

You should not use natural stones of unknown origin for these purposes, since not all breeds are safe for humans. Some stones give off heat poorly, which is unacceptable for a stove in a steam room. The store should be asked to provide the necessary information about decorative stones. They must have the following characteristics:

  • Heat capacity. This is the ability of a stone to accumulate heat, and then gradually give it away. This allows the room temperature to be maintained for longer.
  • Heat resistance. An indicator that characterizes the maximum temperature threshold that a stone can withstand.
  • Safety. Stones should not release harmful components into the environment.
  • Expansion rate when heated. This figure should be very low. Otherwise, the stone will crumble as the temperature rises.

Before considering how to properly lay the stones in the sauna stove, you need to pay attention to the choice of suitable rocks.

Varieties of stones

Laying stones in the sauna stove
Laying stones in the sauna stove

Laying stones in the sauna oven is a responsible event. It is worth starting its consideration with the main points of choosing rocks suitable for operation at high temperatures. The following types of stones are suitable for the sauna stove:

Breed name Description
Jadeite It is a semi-precious stone. Its properties fully comply with the requirements of steam room stoves. It is a durable, non-absorbent mineral with durability and high heat dissipation.
Talcochlorite This is one of the best materials for a steam oven. It is able not only to accumulate heat, but also to evenly distribute it in the room. In this case, the bath warms up gradually, and the high temperature remains in the steam room for a long time. The heating limit for this stone is 1,600 ºС
Bas alt This is a very strong and therefore durable stone. It is often used for arranging sauna stoves. Bas alt does not crumble, retains its integrity for a long time. It perfectly accumulates heat, which ensures that the temperature in the steam room is maintained for a long time.


This stone is a whole set of minerals. Having a volcanic origin, it withstands high temperatures. At the same time, all components are safe for humans, which makes the mineral especially valuable for use in a steam room.
Quartzite This rock contains 90% quartzite. This mineral quickly heats up, but it must be used in combination with other stones.
Peridotite The composition includes olivine and pyroxene,therefore the mineral is safe for humans. The stone can withstand a lot of heat, as it is a volcanic rock.
Chromite The mineral consists mainly of chromium, which is a safe substance for humans. As a result of heating, the structure of the stone does not expand. It is very dense and heavy.

When laying stones in a sauna stove, avoid using rocks such as granite, spar, mica, electroporcelain, quartz, pyrite, marble, flint, limestone.

Gem size

When choosing stones, the type of stove must also be taken into account. It can be wood-burning, open or electric. Its size is also noticeably different. For example, when considering how to lay stones in the Vesuvius sauna stove (this is one of the most popular models), it is worth noting that the dimensions of the fraction will be different. Laying stones of different sizes is welcome. Moreover, the rocks of the stone must be mixed. This will also have a positive effect on the operation of the oven.

How to lay stones in the Vesuvius sauna stove?
How to lay stones in the Vesuvius sauna stove?

When laying stones in the Vesuvius sauna stove or another similar structure, you need to select a fraction ranging in size from 6 to 20 cm in diameter. This principle applies to most open and wood stoves.

Only large stones are placed in a closed Russian oven. There should be enough free space between them. Too dense masonry will not allow steam to be generated. Therefore, for this type of heater, a large fraction is needed.

If the oven is small, with electricHeating elements, you need to choose stones with a diameter of 5-8 cm. They must pass between the heating elements, but at the same time not damage them when heated. Therefore, small pebbles will fill the space inside a small electric furnace.

Why are rocks mixed?

Considering how to lay the stones in a mesh sauna stove, an open or closed heater, you need to pay attention to one nuance. Often, mineral rocks are mixed, as this allows you to save money on the family budget. It is rather difficult to fill a spacious furnace with completely expensive rocks. Therefore, they are diluted with cheaper minerals. You can lay stones mixed or in layers.

How to properly place stones in a sauna stove?
How to properly place stones in a sauna stove?

Stones that heat up faster are laid down. Other varieties of minerals are laid out on top.

Stones are also mixed in order to create an aesthetic appearance of the stove. Simple, cheaper varieties of minerals lay down. Beautiful reddish, greenish stones of rich hues are laid out on top.

It is also worth considering that the amount of steam that the oven produces depends on the shape. It is necessary to take into account the sequence of laying the stone in the sauna stove. Chopped and tumbled forms are best suited for a steam room. The first of these varieties has a large area. However, this is also a disadvantage, since such stones are covered with cracks due to insufficient strength.

Tumbled stones are strong, as fragile specimens are sifted out during their processing. In terms of area, these stones are not inferior to chipped ones.minerals, but their cost is much higher. Therefore, such rocks are laid down, where the temperature is higher. Cheap chipped stones can be laid out on top. At the same time, the appearance of such minerals is quite beautiful.

First styling method

Considering the order of laying stones in the sauna stove, it is worth noting that there are two ways. The first approach is used for open heaters. In this case, the harmful gases that are released during combustion will not leave the stove into the room. Heating will occur due to the sufficient temperature of the furnace walls. Soot and soot will not settle on the stone backfill. Their particles will not appear in the bath steam.

laying stones in the Vesuvius sauna stove
laying stones in the Vesuvius sauna stove

Open heaters take longer to heat up than closed versions. Therefore, more firewood is required for kindling. Therefore, such a system can be considered uneconomical. But with electric heating, it is impossible to heat the room without the open structure of the heater.

In open types of structures, for example, in the Finnish sauna, with the correct placement of stones in the sauna stove, it turns out to create walls of minerals around the heating element. They accumulate thermal energy, and then evenly release it into the surrounding space. Since the stones lie tightly, no steam is released. This allows you to increase the temperature inside the steam room, but at the same time the air remains dry.

Stones can also be laid around the boiler with water. They can be quite large. In this case, it will be possible to scoop up heated water and water the stones with it. So it turns out to heat the bathblack. A couple in this case will be a lot. Covering the heating element with stones, you can create high-quality heating indoors.

Second styling method

Considering how to properly lay stones in a sauna stove, it is worth considering a different way. It is more difficult than the previous one, as it requires a more careful selection of elements. This method is called closed, since the stones are on the way out of the smoke oven. They get very hot.

How to lay stones in a sauna stove?
How to lay stones in a sauna stove?

During bathing procedures, water is poured onto hot stones. It evaporates instantly. Therefore, the steam room is filled with dry steam. If a characteristic pop is heard when pouring water on the stones, it means that the stove is heated very well.

When the filling is closed, the stones are located above the furnace. They are laid out on a grate made of cast iron. Instead, a brick vault with slots can be provided in the structure. The lower layer of stones is heated up to 1100 ºС. The top layer is a little colder. Here the temperature reaches a maximum of 600 ºС.

With this method of laying, the stones accumulate heat well and keep it for a long time. But this is not so easy to achieve. You need to know how to properly lay each layer of stone filler. This is a whole science. But with careful selection of all the elements of the backfill, significant results can be achieved.

Proper installation in a closed heater

Not every builder knows how to lay stones in a sauna stove. This is a whole science, which can be mastered without difficulty. Between stones when arranging a closed furnacebe sure to leave gaps. In this case, during the operation of the furnace, each element of the backfill will be heated evenly. For this type of laying, round stones are more suitable. In this case, free space will appear anyway, it will be almost impossible to make a mistake.

There must be no grooves or cracks on any backfill element. Otherwise, the stones will crack, crumble and clog the channels. This will negatively affect the operation of the oven.

Before laying the stones are sorted by size. Large specimens are laid down, and small specimens are laid up. When heated, all stones expand. This is inevitable and over time will lead to the destruction of the walls of the furnace. Therefore, it must be checked and repaired at regular intervals.

If you lay the stones tightly, when they expand, they will press even harder on the walls of the furnace. Therefore, such filling is strictly prohibited. Otherwise, the furnace will quickly deform and cease to perform the functions assigned to it.

A few recommendations from experts

Professionals give some advice on how to lay stones in a sauna stove. They recommend washing all stones before laying. Often, sea or river varieties of materials are used for this. If a round stone has a blue tint, it is not suitable for use in a kiln. Such pebbles will smoke, releasing carbon monoxide into the steam room.

After going through the stones, sorting and cleaning them, you can start laying. It is necessary to lay out the largest elements of the backfill down. They should be directed to the heated surface with a narrow edge. So stonewill warm up quickly. In addition, such a position of the pebbles will not allow the heat energy to be reflected back into the furnace, it will easily move up.

The number of stones is calculated in accordance with the dimensions of the room. For a cubic meter of steam room space, you need from 35 to 45 kg of stones. This indicator depends on their thermal conductivity and ability to accumulate thermal energy.

Long stones cannot be laid horizontally. Their location should be exclusively vertical. Otherwise, the heat will not be able to rise up. You can also lay stones on their side.

Sharp corners of the stones should be directed to the furnace, and flat - to the walls of the stove. This allows you to accumulate enough thermal energy to maintain the desired temperature in the steam room for a long time.

Lifetime of stones

Having learned how to lay stones in a sauna stove, you need to pay attention to the issues of their operation. Over time, the backfill needs to be changed. It is recommended to completely change the stones every 3-4 years. This is due to the accumulation of soot, toxins on the surfaces of the backfill elements. Due to the expansion and contraction during heating and cooling, even durable stones begin to crack and crumble. By clogging the channels, they reduce the heating efficiency.

Time of use of stones
Time of use of stones

To make the stones last longer, do not water them with cold water. Also, they should not be allowed to come into contact with open fire.

Oven maintenance

How to lay stones in a mesh sauna stove?
How to lay stones in a mesh sauna stove?

Spendmaintenance procedure, you can leave whole stones. They are cleaned and washed in cold water. This must be done if the oven has become poorly warmed up, does not hold heat. More often than not, you have to change the backfill completely. After a certain period of operation, the stones burn out, they are called "dead". The rock loses its ability to store heat. The smaller the stones, the faster they will need to be replaced.
