Do it yourself

How to clean silver at home

Cutlery, jewelry, coins - silverware can be found in every home. Sooner or later, the owners of such things are faced with the need to clean them. The reasons why silver darkens may be different. Improper storage and care, a chemical reaction to the individual characteristics of the organism - there are many options. How to clean silver? The answer to this question can be found in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY playground ideas

Caring parents know that kids need to be outdoors. This problem is very relevant now, because the children practically refuse to walk, referring to the fact that they have nothing to do in the yard. Or maybe they are right? After all, there is not even a normal playground where kids can safely play without fear of cars and bicycles. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a stone fountain with your own hands

You can make a beautiful fountain in your summer cottage or garden plot, which will delight you with its presence, performing a number of functions. It can be made of stones, which will provide not only decorative effect, but also the simplicity of its creation. So, answering the question of how to make a fountain with your own hands, you should consider all stages of work. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a fountain with your own hands at home?

In this article we will talk about how to make a fountain with your own hands at their summer cottage or at home. Any area needs to be decorated. If there are beautiful flower beds, beds, flower beds, then the eye will rejoice. But it is worth stopping at a variety of reservoirs that are surrounded by vegetation. After all, as you know, you can endlessly look at running water. Rest near such a reservoir will be simply magical. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Arbor from improvised material with your own hands: installation steps

Arbor is an important attribute of most country cottages or cottages. However, during its construction, many seemingly insignificant, but very important points should be taken into account: the choice of material, shape and design, as well as the location on the site. Only taking into account the above, a gazebo made of improvised material, made with your own hands, will turn out beautiful and cozy. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Form for the garden path. With your own hands you will arrange a summer cottage

Unfortunately, not everyone can afford to buy clinker bricks or paving slabs. A great alternative to this is a garden path mold. With your own hands you can make absolutely any track. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to build an outdoor toilet with your own hands

The need for an outdoor toilet occurs quite often. After all, not everyone has a dacha - this is a small piece of land and a capital house, which has all the amenities. Sometimes even with water there are difficulties. Therefore, on the street you can equip the toilet and use it for its intended purpose. If desired, it can be combined with a shower - all waste will merge into one pit. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to install a tabletop with your own hands: installation features

How to install the countertop? This question is asked by all people who are engaged in redevelopment of the kitchen. Moreover, this question is quite important. It depends on how well the countertop is mounted, how comfortable it will be to spend time behind it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself chest of drawers restoration

Restoration of the chest of drawers at the next stage involves the application of paint. Once you have de alt with the damage, the surface can be prepared for applying a decorative layer. Puttied places are cleaned with sandpaper, and at the next stage, you can apply a primer in several layers, in which case the paint will lie as evenly as possible. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY bar counter

The do-it-yourself bar counter is especially good because it gives the home master absolute opportunities to implement the most daring design decisions. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Guillotine for metal with your own hands

Guillotines are devices that are designed for cutting metal sheets. Their maximum thickness depends on the power of the model. Today, hydraulic modifications are considered the most popular. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a sandwich pipe with your own hands?

Brick chimneys are gradually being replaced by new designs. They have a lot of advantages. Such a chimney is called a sandwich pipe. Everyone can assemble such a structure with their own hands. Detailed instructions will be discussed in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a radio with your own hands

The article will talk about how to make a radio with your own hands. Simple radio receivers cannot pick up stations in the FM band. And in order to make a radio receiver that allows you to receive signals in the FM band, you need to use a large number of transistors or a microcircuit. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make an oscillator for welding with your own hands?

Welding oscillator is primarily needed for welding in various areas of production. The oscillator is useful in that it can be used both in industrial production and in everyday life. The mechanism of action of the oscillator is to ignite the welding arc. Meanwhile, stable flame supply is maintained during operation. The most commonly used oscillator is the OP-240. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Etching aluminum at home

Etching of aluminum (products made of this metal) is carried out in order to clean its surface from the top, unnecessary layer or from rust. And there is also artistic etching, when it is necessary to engrave a pattern on the surface of a metal part. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY aquarium filter. How to assemble an aquarium filter: diagrams, tips

Before you start a fish, you need to take care of the availability of not only an aquarium suitable for them, soil, vegetation, some decorative elements, but also a filter. You must understand that this is not only a water purifier, but also an item that is essential for the life of your home aquatic inhabitants. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Arrangement of a summer cottage with your own hands: where to start, photo

What if you decide to start arranging a summer cottage with your own hands and do not want to make a mistake already at the initial stage? This question is asked by all newly minted owners of land plots, regardless of their size. Any solution should strive for simplicity and clarity, so you need to consider the sequence of implementation of your ideas for arranging a summer cottage. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a sliding gate with your own hands?

Before those who have a country house and a car, the question will definitely arise about what kind of gate to make in the country. There are several types of designs, and therefore making a choice is sometimes quite difficult. It is believed that sliding gates are the most suitable option in such situations. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself cutter for a walk-behind tractor. How to properly assemble cutters on a walk-behind tractor

In this article we are talking about such an important part of the walk-behind tractor as a cutter, about its main functions and advantages, as well as about the varieties and features of the assembly. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to do tire fitting with your own hands?

The article tells about the main features of tire fitting, about the tools that are required for this work, as well as about the procedures that must be followed to maintain car tires. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Homemade wind turbine generators

This article tells about the technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages of such a device as a generator for a windmill. In addition, the text provides information on the principle of self-assembly of this device and the materials that are required for this work. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY low pressure tire: how to do it right

The modern automotive market offers a wide range of components for a variety of vehicles. Tires deserve special attention, since, as you know, the safety of the driver and his passengers largely depends on the quality of their manufacture. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY cultivator: how to do it?

This article talks about how to create such an indispensable mechanism for a personal plot as a cultivator, about its types, technical characteristics and operating rules. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY recuperator. Heat exchanger scheme

This article contains information about the features of the operation of such a device as an air recuperator, about the method of its manufacture, as well as about the most popular types of this equipment. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself metal door. Drawing of a metal door. Installation of a metal door

It's no secret that today such an element as an entrance metal door is not a luxury, but an obligatory attribute of any living space, including a private house or apartment, as well as various administrative and office buildings. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY pyrolysis boiler. Production of a pyrolysis boiler

The lack of a firebox for coal or electricity in the house can always be compensated with the help of natural natural fuel - firewood. This article tells about such a device as a pyrolysis boiler, and also contains information about its technical characteristics and device method. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself log cabin baths: the subtleties of the process

In the construction of country houses and other specialized buildings, such a structure as a log house has been increasingly used recently. The article talks about how to properly build a bath log house with your own hands so that the structure comes out reliable and has an attractive appearance. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Homemade motorcycle: tips for making. How to make a motorcycle with your own hands?

The article describes the necessary activities for creating a homemade motorcycle, possible options for assembling it from a bicycle, the process of creating a motocross motorcycle with your own hands, as well as designing all-terrain vehicles, the basis for which is a motorcycle. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a spring: step by step instructions and recommendations

The question of how to make a spring at home is quite relevant. This is due to the fact that there are situations when a home master may not have a spring of the required diameter at hand. In this case, you have to make it yourself. How to make a spring with your own hands? What tools will be needed for this? For information on how to make a spring at home, you will find in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make furnaces for testing with your own hands?

Since firewood, gas and coal are constantly becoming more expensive, summer residents and owners of country houses are constantly looking for ways to reduce the cost of the heating season. Someone chooses solid fuel boilers for long burning, others are trying to conduct experiments on combining a fireplace and a water heating circuit. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The quietest compressor for the aquarium. DIY silent compressor for an aquarium

An air compressor is a device designed to provide aeration of water, enriching it with dissolved oxygen. This device for a home aquarium is simply necessary, since a glass pond is a closed space in which fish may not have enough oxygen. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to install do-it-yourself slatted ceilings

Do-it-yourself rack ceilings are easy to do, you just need to adhere to the technology and the sequence of work. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make foam columns with your own hands?

It is obvious that the construction of old-style columns in your house is quite a costly business. However, there is a cheap and relatively quick way to decorate your home with similar decorative elements, namely foam columns. Perhaps they will not carry any functional load, but the aesthetic effect of this will not be less. If at the same time you make foam columns with your own hands, you can save additional money. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

We decorate front gardens near the house

Front gardens near the house always look beautiful and picturesque. They can enhance the beauty of the house itself, but if the plants in them are used incorrectly, they can ruin the whole look. Therefore, you should know some features in this case. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a built-in wardrobe with your own hands: step by step instructions, photo

When planning repairs and redevelopment in your apartment or house, be sure to consider different options for saving space, rational placement of furniture. It is important that it is not only practical, but also beautiful. One of the options for solving this problem is built-in furniture. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Installing the hood in the kitchen according to the rules: step-by-step instructions and requirements

While cooking, fumes and odors are emitted in the kitchen. To prevent the accumulation of all these unwanted mixtures that can adversely affect the he alth of others, it is necessary to ventilate through the installed hood in the kitchen. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself liquid wallpaper application

If you decide to independently apply liquid wallpaper with your own hands, then you first need to familiarize yourself with the technology of the work, which involves the preparatory stage. This material is a kind of decorative plaster. In order for the wallpaper to acquire an attractive appearance, fillers are added to them, as well as dyes, these can be granules or sparkles. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Device for a warm water floor: technology, instructions

The device of a warm water floor necessarily provides for checking the system for leaks after installing the heating elements. To do this, water is supplied to the circuit. The generated pressure should be 6 bar. Under such conditions, the system should continue to work from a day to two. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Homemade flower: choice of material, necessary tools and work instructions

What are homemade flowers for? Oh, there are no limits to their use! They are suitable for a gift, for home decoration and festive evenings, they create beauty and comfort in the atmosphere. Having mastered a simple technique for creating flower masterpieces, each person will be able to make a wonderful souvenir from available materials. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to check the motor armature at home?

If the engine of a household appliance fails, you can carry out self-diagnosis and repair of the electrical part. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01