Everyone who wants to update their interior, but at the same time at no extra cost, thinks about how to visually increase the area. An ordinary mirror can come to the rescue. With the right approach, you will expand the space, and the room as a whole will shine with new colors.
Mirrors in the interior play a very important role. This is due to functionality and possibility. Very often, with the help of mirrors, you can hide the flaws on the walls. Mirrors in the interior to expand the space are used much more often than for simple decoration.

A bit of history
Mirror from ancient times wears a mask of some magic and mystery. The first mirrors had a concave shape, as they were made from glass balls, the inner side of which was covered with a thin layer of tin. It was not possible to see yourself in full measure. And only in the 16th century people learned how to make flat mirrors. Over time, mirror production technologies have improved, and now you can find items that haveany shape and style.
A mirror is a reflection. It is believed that it is able to remember emotions, and then sends subtle flows of energy into the surrounding atmosphere, which, depending on the emotions received, can either bring happiness or take it away. That is why you should not buy old mirrors, because it is not known which people used it.

The mystical properties of mirrors are mentioned a lot not only in legends, but also in children's fairy tales. Reminds me of Sleeping Beauty. There, after all, it was the mirror that told the stepmother that her stepdaughter was more beautiful than her.
So it turns out that the mirror in the house is not only a beautiful accessory, but also an important assistant.
The role of the mirror in the interior
This topic was, is and will be the most relevant for designers. A mirror can not only fulfill its direct role, that is, be an object for admiring oneself, but can also become a central object in the interior.
Mirrors help not only expand the space, but also add color variety to the room. Due to the reflection of the sun's rays, even the darkest background can become noble and strict, while carrying joy.
When properly positioned, mirrors can create a new look in a room. Mirrored walls can often be seen in shops and cafes. This is done in order to ensure that the illusion of a spacious room allows the client to feel free. The apartment should also be large, spacious and bright. But very often the opposite is true. Correctthe solution here is to use mirrors.
Legends say that if your house has such a mirror, then no troubles and needs are terrible for you. This accessory will become the strongest amulet for all household members. If you inherited the sun, then it should be cleaned. To do this, soak it for an hour in s alt water. Rinse afterwards.
The mirror-sun in the interior for decoration is very popular in the modern world. It represents the sun or the star. This is a small mirror disk, the frame of which looks like many beams. These beams can be both short and long, and also have different thicknesses. Sometimes this type of mirror is called snowflake.

The main advantage of the sun mirror is that it can be used in absolutely any interior. It will perfectly emphasize extravagance, add charm and rigor in style. But still, most often such an object as a mirror-sun in the interior is used in a modern classic style or art deco style.
How to hang a mirror in the hallway?
Entrance hall and corridor - this is the beginning of the apartment, it is here that the first impression of the owners, their tastes and preferences is formed. Very often, in order to hang a mirror correctly, people use feng shui. It's no secret that you can't hang a mirror in front of the front door. The mirror in the interior of the hallway is one of the most important items.

A classic entryway optionconsidered to be a rectangular mirror. This form looks good in any design. In order to make this item a key one, it is worth working with the frame - making it, for example, bright and massive.
If the goal is to expand the space of the corridor, then you should pay attention to the square mirror. The square gives the impression that the room has the same sides, and the reflection in such a mirror seems endless.
Round and oval mirrors will add extravagance and charm to the interior. To emphasize the style of the interior of the hallway, you should pay attention to the mirror without a frame and baguette. This design will help to make the mirror one with the wall.
Living room with mirrors
The living room is the main room in the apartment. Here you can receive guests, meet friends. Perhaps even festive or just family dinners are held here. Do not neglect the use of mirrors in the interior design of the living room.
The mirror in the interior of the living room plays a very important role, especially if the room area is small. Designers are advised not to forget that the main purpose of the mirror is to expand the space. A mirror that hangs in front of the window in the living room reflects daylight, which allows you to make the room brighter, even if the windows are not located on the south side.

Mirrors in the interior of the living room can be decorated with a pattern or landscape, this will add fresh notes to the familiar interior. You may want to paint the surface yourself. Makethis can be done with paints that are subsequently removed. In this case, you can update the piece of furniture as often as you wish. Compositions made up of mirrors of various shapes look very beautiful. It can be combinations of the same shape, but different sizes. But if you wish, you can dream up and create a panel of mirrors of various shapes and sizes.
Mirrors in the bedroom
The bedroom is a place to relax and rejuvenate. Very often, bedrooms have a rather small area, and because of this, a person feels uncomfortable and disadvantaged. If so, this is where mirrors should be placed. If the bedroom has wardrobes, in order to expand the space, it is worth decorating this part of the interior with one large mirror or creating a composition of small mirrors.
Mirrors in the interior of the bedroom are not only decorative, they are also very useful to the fair sex. Very often mirrored ceilings are used in the bedroom. This helps to achieve the effect of a high room, add extravagance to any style. If the interior is decorated in light colors, then you will create a lighting effect. The mirror on the stand also looks very harmonious. It must be large so that your reflection is in full growth.

Kitchens and mirrors
As a rule, it is unusual to use mirror surfaces and a mirror in general in the kitchen. But here the area of \u200b\u200bthe room and the style of decoration play an important role. Mirrors in the interior of the kitchen serve not only for decoration, but also for visualarea increase.
It is important when decorating the kitchen with mirrors to take into account what will be reflected in the mirror. Mirrors placed on the wall or shelves opposite the window will serve as an additional source of daylight. It can be shelving with dishes or a beautiful kitchen set. Never place a mirror in front of a sink.
The kitchen is not a place where everything should be strict. You can experiment with compositions and size. It all depends on preferences and taste.

Mirror on the doors
Doors in rooms are a very important part. With their help, you can create an atmosphere of privacy. Designers have long noted this element for experimenting with mirrors. In order to add depth, you should pay attention to the front door with a mirror. The interior style can be absolutely any.
Doors with a mirror in the interior will not only expand the space, but also emphasize the individual approach. Interior doors are most often decorated with mirror compositions, while a large mirror is more suitable for the front door. Interior doors can be decorated with several details. Such a mirror canvas is suitable for any interior. But the door, inlaid according to the mosaic principle, will look harmoniously in the nursery.

Proper use of mirrors
Mirror is a very "capricious" piece of furniture. It can both improve and spoil the look of the room. When working with mirrors, you should observe the followingrules:
- Do not hang a mirror in front of items you want to hide.
- Do not use mirrors on a “let it be” principle. Think carefully before applying.
- If you want to use several mirrors, then you should create a composition from them, in which each part will harmoniously complement the other.
- To add light to a room, position mirrors to reflect daylight.
Summing up
The mirror has been mystical since ancient times. It can both protect and harm. Of course, you won’t remember all the subtleties, but you shouldn’t forget about generally accepted signs:
- The mirror in front of the front door blocks positive energy from entering the house. Hence all the failures and needs. If you can't handle something, pay attention to whether your mirror is hanging correctly.
- You can't look into a broken mirror.
- In front of a mirror, you should express only positive emotions, as it is able to remember people's feelings.
- Don't buy and donate mirrors that have a long history. This can negatively affect you and your loved ones.
But these are the mystical properties of mirrors, and the article is about how to use a mirror in interior design. If you want to get the maximum benefit, then do not neglect the tips outlined above. Create, combine - and you will get your individual style and interior.