At first glance, choosing the right tool for cutting wood materials is not difficult. It is enough to determine the price group, identify a recognizable manufacturer and correlate the design of the model with the nature of the tasks planned to be solved. And such an approach could justify itself 20-30 years ago, but not today, when there are many classifications and parameters for evaluating this technique. How to choose a chainsaw for a novice summer resident or gardener? The first step is to understand in principle why this particular type of tool may be required.
Purpose and benefits of a gasoline saw
The power chain saw is useful for chopping firewood, pruning thick tree limbs, sawing logs, etc. It is a mobile tool that can be used away from a fixed work site, as is the case with a circular saw. At the same time, gasoline models are, although traditional, but still a kind of chain equipment of this class. A more modern alternative to such a tool is electric saws, so you should initially decide how justified it will be.the purchase of a chainsaw.
As the practice of operation shows, the fuel chain tool is characterized by the following operational advantages:
- High performance. Even household models allow you to cut trees at the base of a thin trunk.
- Repairability and reliability of power filling.
- Autonomy. A fundamental advantage over an electric tool, thanks to which the user can work away from the outlet.
Of course, not without flaws. They are expressed in a large mass, strong vibrations and exhausts. How to choose a good chainsaw so that such effects are reduced? Usually a massive structure directly causes high power, noisy operation and the presence of vibrations. For everyday tasks, you can purchase a compact model weighing 3-4 kg, but it will solve mostly simple tasks like sawing thin branches. As for high-performance models, in this class, too, developers strive to combine power and ergonomics through innovative solutions. At the basic level of choice, it is still worth deciding on the direction of using the technique.
Amateur or professional model?

The section between household and high-performance chainsaws noted above can also be represented as two types of tools - for home and professional purposes. However, this classification will also be conditional, since the tasks to be solved in different areas are oftenintersect. It’s worth starting the review from the entry level - how to choose a chainsaw for the home? Still, it should be a low-power device that has small dimensions, a reliable design and, if possible, a complete set of modern security systems. In other words, it is an easy-to-use and convenient assistant that even a user who is far from working with wood can cope with. If we talk about tasks that can be solved with such a chainsaw, it will be sawing firewood, cutting knots, etc. Moreover, the working resource in terms of engine hours in this case is small - about 500 hours. It will be possible to work about 40-45 minutes a day.
It cannot be said that the professional segment is no longer for ordinary users. Powerful units may well be of interest to avid gardeners and farmers who from time to time have to deal with felling trees and preparing building materials from logs. Accordingly, along with the power potential, the dimensions, weight and motor resource will be increased, which in this case will already be about 1000 hours. Which chainsaw is better to choose for solving complex and responsible tasks of chain sawing? Initially, it is worth relying on the recommended duration of continuous operation. Models of this class are equipped with engines that provide operability at the level of 1 to 6-7 hours a day. In fact, this is the operational format of a forester, whose list of direct duties includes felling trees. Now it is worth evaluating the optimal power performance in more detail.
How to choose a chainsaw by power?
Power potential of chain saws with the advent ofpower tools for convenience began to be measured in kilowatts (kW). At the same time, traditional horsepower can be converted on the basis that 1 hp. corresponds to 0.73 kW. What exactly does this parameter represent? Performance directly depends on it, the sum of several operational factors - in particular, endurance, reliability and output thrust. Roughly speaking, the higher the power, the longer and more efficiently a particular unit will work without causing serious problems in the form of breakdowns. How to choose a good chainsaw for the home according to this criterion? For small jobs, equipment with a power of up to 2 kW will be a win-win option. Even this value will be a lot if the same operations with knots and seasonal preparation of firewood are planned. At the same time, do not forget that there may be advantages in reducing performance in the form of a compact body and low vibration levels.
If it comes to large-scale work, during which it is necessary to trim logs, prepare cubic meters of slab or improve park areas of a large area, then the optimal power range will be 2-3 kW. This potential allows you to work without stopping for an average of 4-5 hours. But how to choose a chainsaw specifically for professional purposes related to woodworking? A full day with the processing of thick logs can be provided by equipment with a power of at least 4 kW. The peak potential reaches 6-7 kW, but only specialists with extensive experience are allowed to physically handle such a tool.
Design parameters

In this part, it is worth highlighting in more detail issues related to the size of the saw blade, the volume of the tank and the weight of the equipment. It is very important to correctly determine the cutting characteristics, which are directly determined by the length of the bar on which the chain is mounted. This value should be calculated based on the maximum diameter of the target blank, that is, the log. Again, in the household, minimal formats are more commonly used. On average, a range of 25-35 cm is considered as the optimal bar length for cutting branches and even trees with thin stems - this is also indicated by user reviews. But which chainsaw to choose for the home, if you also plan to harvest wood building materials? If we are talking about work at home without access to remote objects, then in order to save time, it is worth initially choosing equipment that can serve thick workpieces. In such cases, a tire length of 50-60 cm is suitable.
In the process of work, the limitations of the saw associated with fuel consumption will certainly be felt. The larger the volume of the gas tank, the longer the sawing session will continue without interruption. In addition, this capacitance is also related to power. For example, household models are supplied with 40-50 cm cisterns3. These are just versions with engines up to 2 kW. This tool has the advantage of small size and streamlined design, which is very convenient in complex working steps.
Professional units have a tank capacity of up to 100 cm3. Therefore, it will be a very heavy instrument.with low maneuverability. But how to choose the right chainsaw so that all the above parameters are balanced? Practice shows that the key characteristic is the mass, which should be selected for individual physical data. There are two main groups - from 4 to 5 kg, and from 7 to 9 kg. It makes no sense to purchase a heavy model for long operations if the operator cannot confidently manage it without outside help. Conversely, sometimes complex tasks of sawing thick trees can be solved with lightweight equipment, using special approaches during the sawing process.
Auxiliary functionality
Especially for those who plan to work with a saw every day for several hours, it will be useful to pay attention to useful additions. Some of them increase the comfort of the process, while others have long been a guarantee of operator safety. How to choose a chainsaw with a set of really necessary functions and not overpay for extra features? For all, without exception, users of such equipment, we can safely recommend an anti-vibration system. This is a damper pad between the engine and the handles of the tool, due to which the transmission of vibrations along the saw design is reduced. As a result, dangerous vibration is reduced, with prolonged exposure to which a whole range of joint diseases can develop. In addition, household small operations, during which decorative pruning is performed, will only benefit the tire without hesitation.
The most useful addition in terms of safety is the chain brake. This is a mechanism with instanta reaction that blocks movement during a kickback effect (strong rebound of the machine towards the operator). Such systems are manual and automatic. The former are more often chosen by professionals, while the latter are recommended for beginners as an additional and independent means of control.
Ergonomic nuances - what to consider?

In the case of the operation of a chainsaw, the issues of ease of operation are extremely important, since the quality of work also depends on them. How to choose a good chainsaw in terms of comfort of interaction with the tool? To begin with, it is worth revisiting the design of the unit. Much of the effectiveness of the saw depends on the location of the engine, which is undeservedly given little attention. For example, models with a horizontal configuration should be chosen so that the power plant does not move along the axis of symmetry. Otherwise, there is a risk that the bar will move to the side without proper control. The best option is a longitudinal arrangement, in which, in principle, no displacement is expected. In this case, the center of gravity of the entire structure will be balanced and ensure that the load is evenly distributed on both hands.
Another ergonomic nuance is connected with the "family" lack of petrol equipment as such - the noise of work. If during short-term seasonal operation this factor does not have a serious significance, then in industries and in construction with the regular use of a loud instrument, negative effects on the auditory organs can also lead todiseases. The standard is the noise level in the range from 105 to 115 dB, but there are models in which the corresponding emphasis is placed on noise reduction. So, which brand of chainsaw to choose to eliminate the risks of serious hearing problems? The most favorable in this regard are the ECHO CS-3700ES and Efco 162 models. Their operating noise level is 98-100 dB. But it should also be taken into account that building headphones can also provide effective noise isolation. Although you should not rely on them completely either. Many professionals, for example, point out the physical inconvenience of working with this accessory.
Makita models

The Japanese manufacturer is known for high-quality tools that optimally combine the advantages of household and professional equipment. In the case of chainsaws, the developers of this brand focus on increasing the operational life of the element base and design. For example, to increase the durability of the power plant, a proprietary magnesium alloy is used in the form of a cast crankcase. At the same time, there are a lot of modifications, so the question will logically arise of how to choose a Makita chainsaw so that there is no disappointment in the process of use?
The most popular line of DCS, which includes both home and professional chainsaws. As for the domestic sphere, the DCS34-40 version is the most popular. It, in particular, is used both for gardening and for sawing wood building materials. But which chainsaw to choose for a summer residence, ifDo you plan to work in difficult conditions and with large volumes? In this situation, you should pay attention to a special modification EA3203S40B, which can be positioned as semi-professional. Although it does not differ in increased power, it is provided with a wide range of options and switches. Suffice it to mention an electronic ignition system with a primer, a three-position operating mode switch and a unique MPI technology that makes it easy to restart the tool.
Husqvarna models
Representatives of household and middle class in the market of chain saws abound. However, only a few produce full-scale equipment for specialized tasks. It is for strong professional models of high quality that you should turn to Husqvarna as one of the recognized leaders in the segment. Now we can move on to the question of which chainsaw to choose? Reviews from professionals highlight the 576XP-18, emphasizing its high power, performance and effective vibration protection. However, with noise isolation, this unit is not in the best way, so it’s hardly possible to do without headphones. In terms of characteristics, a 70-cm tire can be noted, due to which it is possible to confidently fell thick trunks. But, again, a weight of 6.6 kg imposes serious requirements on the physical characteristics of the user himself.

Stihl models
Direct competitor to Husqvarna, together with it forming the basis of the premium chainsaw class. To begin with, it is worth notingbranded features that can attract exclusively in this line. First, the designers offer energy-efficient 2-MIX engines, which reduce gasoline consumption by 20% and emissions by 70%. Secondly, it provides for the possibility of switching operating modes, taking into account the seasonality of "Winter / Summer". In other words, the optimal temperature setting is selected in which the Stihl chainsaw will operate. Which model to choose from this family?
The simplest tasks of sawing in the household are effectively solved by "Shtil-18 (180)" - a lightweight and convenient unit that even a beginner without experience can handle. Shtil-21 (210) responds well to increasing performance requirements. This is a technique of medium power, which is enough to harvest firewood for heating a country house (about 6 m3). But what if you need an inexpensive, but productive and at the same time easy-to-use chainsaw for home - which one to choose? Reviews of the owners as a solution balanced in terms of technical properties distinguish "Shtil-25 (250)". It's not yet an industrial heavyweight like Husqvarna's 576XP-18, but it's not a weak ornamental garden cutter either. The unit can be used both for preparing lumber for construction and for felling small trees if necessary.
Chinese assembly models

All of the above chainsaws are premium quality tools. Accordingly, the cost will be considerable - from 10-12 thousand rubles. for the middle class up to 45 thousand forprofessional model Husqvarna 576XP-18. Of course, not every summer resident or gardener can afford to purchase such equipment to perform rare and simple sawing tasks. If financial resources are limited, then we choose a Chinese chainsaw worth 4-6 thousand. As a rule, this is a tool of domestic brands, but assembled in the Middle Kingdom. Although the quality leaves much to be desired, at the basic level of operation, both in terms of power and in terms of functionality, such units perform well.
If we talk about specific models, then Patriot PT 3816 and Caliber BP-1800 chain saws deserve attention. In the first case, a medium-sized technique is presented, which is easily controlled and suitable for working with small trees. The model from the brand "Caliber" can be used both for work on a personal plot, and for felling trees with a small trunk diameter. But how to choose a Chinese-made chainsaw for a house if the emphasis is on performance? The combination of high power and a small price tag made the DAEWOO DACS4516 model famous. With 2.3 kW in stock, this unit only costs 6.5k
How to choose a saw set for a chainsaw?
In the process of long-term operation, the tire and chain equipment will inevitably need to be updated. This may be due to the elementary wear and tear of the current working basis, and with the reorientation of the tool to tasks of a different kind. It is recommended to choose tires from the manufacturer who produced the saw. You should immediately determine the appropriate length, groove size and chain pitch. These are the main technicalparameters that are indicated on the tire label. After that, you can move on to the question of how to choose a chain for a chainsaw? A household tool is usually supplied with a low profile chain. The recommendation of this choice is related to the safety factor - at least the risk of a kickback will be reduced. Next, the size of the drive link is determined, which will determine the smoothness of the chain sliding in the groove. The average groove width is 1.3 mm, which is an acceptable format for an amateur tool.

In conclusion
There can be no unambiguous recommendations for choosing a chain saw for each case, since a lot depends on the working process conditions, cut volumes, workpiece characteristics, etc. And yet, at the time of purchase, it is useful to have at least a general idea of \u200b\u200bthe existing range of chainsaws. What brand to choose? A win-win option in terms of reliability and safety will be one of the Stihl or Husqvarna models. These same manufacturers should be contacted in cases where a high-performance unit is needed. If you plan to use a chainsaw that is average in terms of design characteristics, functionality and endurance, then Makita will be a good solution, and with it firms such as Partner, Champion and Echo. For those gardeners and summer residents who intend to trim knots and harvest firewood in small batches, in the interests of economy, we can recommend Chinese-assembled equipment from the brands Caliber, Enkor, Patriot and others.