Roses are one of the most common and beautiful flowers. Among them, park varieties stand out, growing into rather voluminous and long bushes. Therefore, they are suitable for decorating suburban areas. Today there are many varieties of roses that do not require special knowledge and experience to care for them.
This article provides detailed information about the park rose: planting and care, types, features, etc.
General information
It is park roses that are more often used when decorating large summer cottages and park areas. Almost all varieties are frost-resistant, and their flowering occurs for quite a long time. Even in case of frostbite of the bush in cold winter, new young shoots appear from the root in spring, and the bush grows again.
Park roses (photo can be seen in the article) of modern varieties bloom in the first half of summer, earlier than other groups, and bloom profusely for more than a month.

This group of roses includes old garden roses, which were cultivated with decorative wild roses (alba and rose-rugosa), and more modern hybrids, which are winter-hardy varietiesselections from Canada and America.
It should be noted that there is some evidence that in the 19th century varieties of French, Damascus and centipedal roses were planted in Russian gardens. And most of them overwintered well under a large snow cover without shelter.
Today, there are also remontant varieties - with twice flowering per season.
A general brief description of park roses is as follows: these are densely leafy and beautifully flowering shrubs, reaching a height of 150 centimeters, sometimes 200. The group deserved this name for its magnificent landscape appearance. Under favorable conditions, these plants form lush flowering bushes, well-bearing.
They are usually planted in groups, in combination with other plants or singly. In general, they are beautifully flowering shrubs, not inferior to mock orange or lilac. And in autumn, these bushes are attractive due to the bright colorful color of the leaves and the ripened numerous fruits.
Flowers up to 7 cm in diameter have quite a lot of shades, and each has its own uniqueness and beauty. There are flowers of white, red, pink, purple, orange and yellow color. Bushes of this group begin to bloom 2-3 weeks earlier than other groups of roses. Most varieties have beautiful lush double flowers. The leaves have a light gray bloom.
Features of the plant
What are park roses? In the generally accepted classification for roses, there is no such concept (“park roses”), but this does not prevent them from being quite widespread among loversgrowing these flowers. This name is taken conditionally to highlight the most diverse types of roses that have common features.
This group includes most of the old garden and species roses, which are cultivated wild roses. It turns out that this includes wild ornamental species, their cultivated forms, various hybrids and varieties. Park roses, like all types of plants growing in natural conditions, are unpretentious and winter hardy. Many of them winter quietly without shelter, while the rest for wintering simply need to be carefully bent down and laid on the ground.
Most of the park species are profusely flowering powerful bushes, which is why they are classified as spray roses. They look great both alone and in a group. And in autumn they are no less elegant.
Varieties of roses
There are wonderful varieties of park roses, the flowers of which are double (up to 150 petals). Today, many breeders are developing new varieties that combine the virtues of both wild roses and old garden roses with the advantages of modern varieties. Particularly interesting in this regard are the roses of David Austin (an English breeder), who created the so-called English roses, which today also belong to the park group.
Also popular in this group are Canadian roses, which were obtained as a result of research government programs of breeders in Canada. The main goal is to obtain ornamental varieties for areas with harsh climatic conditions. These heterogeneous varieties include hybrids of rose-rugosa and roses. Kordesa, the most common in this country.
Below are photos with the names of park roses of some representatives of this group.
Rose white
This plant is the ancestor of the hardiest and most beautiful varieties.
Stands out among them variety Maidens Blush - a dense shrub with wrinkled foliage. The flowers are spherical, fragrant, terry, painted in pale pink. The bush blooms profusely, winter hardiness is high. Shoots are burgundy.

Rose multiflora
It is a shrub - a plant with long curly branches strewn with paired thorns. The flowers are painted in pink and white tones, have no smell. The fruits are red, small, spherical in shape. The bush has lush flowering, especially in sunny places.
It is not demanding on soils, like many species from the group. It looks very decorative during the period of snow-white flowering and in autumn, when the bushes are strewn with red fruits that remain on them until next year.

Canadian park rose
These Canadian roses are the most common among flower lovers. This bush is relatively unpretentious to care for, it does not require pruning for the winter and safely tolerates severe winter frosts (down to -45 degrees) without much shelter.
The rose loves a bright place, any soil is suitable for it. Growing these flowers is very easy. An important advantage is the easy transfer of both low and high temperatures. Growing Canadian park roses is possible andin the shade, but it cannot be ruled out that direct sunlight will not damage the flower in any way.
Canadian roses are perfect for growing in almost all areas of Russia due to the fairly wide temperature range that this flower tolerates quite comfortably. The flowering of the Canadian rose occurs twice, and the second time it is more modest. But when the faded shoots are removed, the shrub looks beautiful with numerous fruits ripened on it.
Surprisingly, these roses are almost devoid of any flaws, except for minor trifling annoyances, but this happens quite rarely.

- Explorer roses look good as a hedge. The plant can beautifully wrap around any structure, hiding it. This allows it to be planted near fences, arbors and other buildings. It has a pleasant pronounced aroma.
- Parkland roses is a beautifully shaped flower that is very different from other species. The non-braiding trunk of the bush allows it to be planted in the middle of the plot. The disadvantage of this type is the lack of aroma.
English park rose
This rose can be bushy and weaving. Its buds are distinguished by terry petals and a pleasant sweet smell. And this plant is easy to care for. It grows well both in the light and in a relatively dark place. Also, moisture and soil quality do not play a role.
Minus plants - susceptibility to damage by various pests. We have to treat them with appropriate chemicals in order to avoidtrouble. It is inherent in the plant and relatively less resistant to frost. Therefore, it is better to cover this rose with something for the winter.
The most popular variety is Abraham Darby, famous for its great endurance and rather strong aroma. Its large and rough petals are colored orange (in the middle) with a yellow border around the edges.

The roots of this park rose are formed within three years, and therefore around the plant should be constantly removed weeds, and loosen the soil. In dry times, the plant should be watered abundantly at least four times a week.
The main difference is the doubleness of the flowers. One flower has up to 100 petals.
The most common varieties of the group
- A variety of park rose called John Franklin is a small shrub with bright green leaves and red flowers.
- Remy Martin has flowers with bright yellow double petals. Has a pleasant aroma.
- Martin Frobisher - a medium-sized bush (100 cm). The petals are double sided (hot pink and white).
- John Davis - a plant with double flowers (40 petals). The maximum bush grows up to 2.5 meters. The color of the petals changes from hot pink to lighter shades.
- Parsley is a pyramid-shaped bush, up to 200 cm high. Semi-double flower petals are painted in a bright white shade.
- Hope for Humanity –an attractive plant whose buds are wine-colored (burgundy and red). The diameter of the flower reaches 8 cm. In the center of the bud there is a yellow or white stripe. The flowers have a pleasant light fragrance.
- J. P. Connell is a bush with fragrant flowers of amazing color: first yellow, then turning into beige or cream. The diameter of the flower is 9 cm. The stems of this variety are velvet, the height of the bush is 150 cm.
- Alexander Mackenzie is an upright shrub with a height of up to 2 meters. The flowers are double, bright red, have a slight aroma. The bush safely tolerates frosts down to minus 45 degrees.

All presented varieties are characterized by beauty and unpretentious care.
Required growing conditions
For the favorable development of roses of this group, it is necessary to choose a sunny place before planting, free and well ventilated. They adapt to partial shade, but flowering in this case will not be so plentiful. They should not be planted near large trees.
Any soil is suitable for them, but the best option is medium-heavy clay soil with a high content of humus.
Boarding process
Planting a park rose covers several stages of events and has some subtleties:
- Choose a place with moderately moist loamy soil, bearing in mind that roses do not tolerate waterlogging.
- Landing is done either in huge bushes or singly. Often used in combination with other colors.
- Plantingthe plant is better in autumn, just before winter, because the roots in this case develop better.
- When planting seedlings of park roses should be placed at a distance of 150 centimeters from each other. And when planning to create a hedge, you need to plant within 50-100 cm between the bushes, and the distance between the rows should be 70 cm.
- Mandatory condition - the use of organic fertilizers. Also, the aerial part of the bush must be cut, leaving 1/3 of the length of the shoots, and the grafting site should remain above the soil at a height of 10 cm.
- It is necessary to hill the bush up to 25 cm in height, and when spring comes, the soil should be leveled. Then mulch the soil with crumbs with straw and peat.

Caring for roses
The subsequent care of park roses in the process of plant growth consists in loosening the soil, in fertilizing with mineral fertilizers (3-4 times per season). Also in May-June, it is recommended to spray the bush 2-3 times with a growth stimulator (sodium humate solution) to form side shoots. With the onset of autumn, rotted manure can be patched into the soil under the bushes.
It is especially important to properly care for roses in the first three years, when the formation of the main stems of the bush and the development of the root system. From the third year in the spring, formative pruning of bushes and removal of diseased, weakened and growing shoots inside the bush should begin.
Roses in landscape design
The very word "park" in the title speaks for itself. These roses are good forparks or spacious landscaped gardens. The landscape appearance of these plants suggests their appropriate use in landscaping household plots.
They are great both in groups and singly, both in borders and in hedges. Smaller gardens can be adorned with these roses as a backdrop and a great backdrop for other garden plants.