DIY cottage design: photo

DIY cottage design: photo
DIY cottage design: photo

Cozy and harmonious home environment is the key to a good mood and positive emotions. Choosing a suitable idea and recreating the interior with your own hands is not only interesting, but also less expensive. In order to succeed, it is not enough just to study the proposed interior design options, you also need to be able to work with equipment and materials.

Do-it-yourself cottage design

Designing a country house and creating an individual project for its design is a very creative process. And even from the most inexpensive materials you can make brilliant things. If you are ready to move from theory to practice, then it's time to start.

To decorate the design of the cottage with your own hands, first of all, you need to think about the decor of the walls, ceiling and floor. Wallpaper with a pattern, a symbol of Soviet Khrushchev, is a thing of the past. Increasingly, various types of paints and plaster with the creation of a rough texture began to be used to improve the walls. Looks great on the walls of decorative stone and panels imitating wood. Wide range of possibilitiesfor the design of the cottage gives the use of drywall. Curved arches and multi-level complexes for home electronics are just a few of the things that can be made from this material.

Remember the important things. If you choose a material for finishing the bathroom, it must have moisture resistance properties. Give preference to paints and varnishes without the content of harmful substances and toxic elements. The walls of the entrance hall are covered with wear-resistant materials with detergent properties.

When choosing colors, it is better to stop at pastel colors, bright or too dark walls will oppress, cause a state of tension. Light shades, on the contrary, will create an atmosphere of calm and tranquility. A bright room visually seems larger.

The design of the kitchen in the country should fit into the overall picture, while being functional. If you have a lot of equipment and plan to do everything in a Mediterranean style, you can hide modern appliances behind the body of the kitchen set, otherwise their appearance will spoil the overall perception of the style.

If you don't want to buy expensive furniture or haven't found a dacha suitable for your design, then you can make it yourself. Fashion trends are currently subject to the phrase "All ingenious is simple!"

Even from ordinary wooden boxes you can create an original sofa or a spacious bookcase. If you have old furniture, you can breathe new life into it. Changing the upholstery and covering the elements of a sofa or chair with fresh interesting fabric is within the power of everyone. Wooden parts can be sanded andpaint with acrylic paint or stain.

The design inside the dacha should correspond to the general type of building, and the furniture should complement the interior and create convenience.

Interior Design Styles

The centuries-old world history has brought to our days the accumulated experience of ancestors in the field of interior design. Differences in climatic zones played an important role in shaping the principles of home improvement. Not only weather conditions influenced the choice of using certain materials for housing decoration, but also lifestyle, religion and philosophical worldviews.

There are several style options in interior design. They intersect at some points, but each of them has its own zest.

  1. Classic style. This category includes styles that appeared many centuries ago and passed from generation to generation, practically unchanged, only slightly modernized. For decor, the use of natural materials, exclusive and expensive elements is implied. Luxury furniture made of natural wood and fabrics can be decorated with carvings. The styles of the classical direction include baroque, rococo, versailles, gothic and others.
  2. Ethnic style. The directions of this category are characterized by the peculiarities of design design in a certain territory. These styles include Chinese, Japanese or Mediterranean. A distinctive feature of each ethnic group is its unique feature. To recreate this style, various kinds of details and elements characteristic of a particular style are used.ethnic group.
  3. Modern styles. These directions are the result of the work of designers of the XX-XXI centuries. The idea of simplification and the use of a minimum amount of detail is an indicator of modern styles. Proper use of space, conciseness of lines and functionality of interior elements are inherent in such styles as minimalism and high-tech.

We always adhere to the rule: the design of the dacha inside the house must match the external design. A rustic-style log hut is not suitable for organizing high-tech interior space. Everything should be concise and compatible.


The very concept of "minimalism" means conciseness, simplicity and functionality. Premises in this style are distinguished by a minimum number of decorative elements. The walls are plain or with a large geometric pattern. When decorating the interior, white, beige, brown, green or gray are more often used. Elements made of wood, stone, glass and metal are allowed, provided that these materials create simple horizontal or vertical surfaces. There are design options with natural elements that are used in raw form: rough textures of stones, cuts of trees.

A photo of the design of a summer house in the style of minimalism is presented below.

Minimalism style
Minimalism style

All interior elements are presented in the form of simple geometric shapes. In the space of the room should be only the most necessary furniture. The emphasis is on freedom of space. High ceilings with tieredlighting visually enlarge the room.

Furniture may include natural leather, wood, and chrome elements. A very important feature is the functionality of the furniture. The bed as the main element of the bedroom should be low. You can replace the bed with a mattress, this is acceptable for minimalism. It is necessary to remember about accents: furniture in dark colors will look concisely against the light background of the room. Red pillows on a black sofa combined with a light space background is a great color combination for a minimalist style.

Mediterranean style

The Mediterranean Sea has created around itself a special culture of interior home improvement. Ideal for a country house. Comfort meets simplicity and lightness. Due to uncomplicated elements of furniture and decor, you can save a lot.

Mediterranean style is usually divided into two directions: Greek and Italian.

Below is a photo of the inside of the dacha. Design created in Greek Mediterranean style.

mediterranean style
mediterranean style

For the Greek style, the main color is white, and elements of furniture, decor and all kinds of accessories of a marine theme can be blue, purple or turquoise. The upholstery fabric can be not only plain, but also with a geometric pattern, most often in a line or in a cage. They are bright accents of style.

Italian style is characterized by the presence of brown tones and gradual transitions in shades. Wooden furniture is distinguished by its simplicity and carved forms. The texture of the walls can be in the form of brickwork or a solid beige surface.

The kitchen area is functional, but does not contain unnecessary equipment, the set is decorated with carved elements, chairs in the dining room can be put on covers. Headsets made of solid wood look great. Hanging bunches of herbs will perfectly complement the interior of the kitchen.

Great attention to create a Mediterranean style should be given to the light. There must be a lot of it. It is good if the country house has a large number of windows overlooking all sides. If not, then make sure that artificial lighting creates comfort and the room feels the freshness of the Mediterranean spirit.

Chinese style

The culture of Asian peoples is distinguished by its sophistication and unusual color. Chinese themes are a very fashionable trend in interior design. All attributes of the arrangement carry a philosophical meaning and provide information for reflection.

The photo inside the Chinese style cottage design house is shown below.

Chinese style
Chinese style

The basis of style is the arrangement of objects and the organization of space according to the principle of Feng Shui. The selection of a specific color palette is a very important condition of the Chinese style. The perception of colors in warm colors has a beneficial effect on the state of mind of a person. In interior design, variants of red shades are used, embodying good luck. Brown elements are allowed, and yellow is traditional to create a Chinese theme.

For the decoration of walls and floors, natural raw materials are used - woodand stone. The floor covering can be in the form of parquet with a large texture of dark brown or burgundy. It is fashionable to consider the option of tiles that imitate the color of natural stone.

Furniture for creating a Chinese interior is selected according to the acceptable color scheme. It is made, as a rule, from natural materials: solid wood, natural leather, bamboo. It is very important that there are no strict shapes and angles in the furniture elements, smoothness and miniaturization of dimensions are welcome. Floor covering can be in the form of a handmade carpet or a coarse woven mat.

All kinds of Chinese paraphernalia are used to decorate rooms. These can be vases with hieroglyphs or wall fans decorated with Chinese designs.


Dynamic young people, keeping up with the times, always keep an eye on interesting innovations in the field of technology. The hi-tech style in interior design implies the presence of functional minimalism, the absence of any decor and the predominance of geometric shapes and designs. The design of a room in a high-tech country house can be compared to the situation on board a spaceship. Massive chrome pipes and other shiny surfaces create an atmosphere of extraterrestrial reality.

This can be seen in the hi-tech dacha design photo below.

Hi-tech style
Hi-tech style

Paints are used for interior decoration. Glossy and matte plain surfaces without texture and patterns are typical for this direction. Colors are different:white, various gray gradients, black. It is possible to include bright shades, but only to create accents in the overall look.

Wooden surfaces are allowed, but in small quantities. The texture of the wood can spoil the overall impression of this design. Even the floors in such an interior are often made self-leveling, avoiding the use of a wood structure. A large skin of some animal is perfect for decorating the floor.

The most important feature of high-tech style is functionality and the presence of high-tech technology. The so-called "smart houses", as a rule, are created in this style. Each room is thought out to the smallest detail for convenience and ease of life. Plasma panels, electric fireplaces, tracking systems and alarms are all elements of a high-tech modern home.

Antique style

This direction of home design was born in the days of Ancient Greece. Majestic snow-white columns and luxurious decoration are signs of antiquity. Not all rooms are suitable for creating this style. The area of the room should be large, and the ceiling should be high. Open space and a system of round arches give a sense of freedom of movement, while the white color inherent in the antique style visually expands the space.

A photo of the design in the country, designed with your own hands, is given below.

antique style
antique style

A characteristic antique feature is a large amount of stucco on the walls and ceiling. These may be frescoes depicting scenes from ancient Greek mythology, statuesor vases. The ideal option for flooring is tile. It is better to choose light and warm colors.

Antique style furniture should look expensive and luxurious. It is good if there is an interesting antique that can be restored and used in design. Wooden furniture elements are made of solid wood and have complex carvings. To add charm, gold inserts or ivory elements can be used.

Antique style - huge floor-to-ceiling windows. You can use large columns, as shown in the photo, in the design of the veranda in the country. Open space, a large amount of light and access to the street are the attributes of antiquity. If they are absent in your house, then sufficient lighting must be created artificially. Floor and wall lamps can complement the main ceiling lighting. The light must be cold white, otherwise the snow-white columns and walls will lose their grace.

Japanese style

At first glance, it seems that the Japanese style is very similar to Chinese. Indeed, this is true, but there are significant differences. The philosophy of life of the Japanese is the desire to get closer to nature, to the earth. That is why there is almost no furniture in their houses. You can sit on a pillow, and lie on a simple mat. Not everyone will succeed in recreating the traditional atmosphere of Japanese housing, and if they succeed, then living in such conditions will simply be inconvenient. You can try to make a room in the style of the Japanese theme, but with the convenience of modern life.

Photo design in the country, created by hand,in Japanese style is shown below.

Japanese style
Japanese style

To stylize our solid houses in the Japanese style, we need to visually lighten the construction of the walls. Divide the main space into zones and fence them off with translucent screens or sliding doors. It is necessary to provide the rooms with enough light. For the treatment of walls and floors, light-colored paints are used - white, beige, light brown. The above photo shows the design of the kitchen in the country, which is also a dining room, as well as a place for tea ceremonies.

Perfect for enlivening the interior photo wallpaper. But the photo must be chosen correctly. It can be an image of a Japanese garden or large Japanese characters.

Japanese-style furniture should be low - this is the main condition. It is also unacceptable to have all kinds of ornaments, ruffles and inserts. For the Japanese, furniture is not interior decoration, but functional attributes.

Plants are rarely used to decorate a room, most often they are dried parts of trees of a bizarre shape or miniature bonsai trees, which have a special place in the philosophy of Japan.

An excellent option for a Japanese-style cottage design would be to build a veranda. A bright room, glazed on all sides, will serve, for example, as a place for organizing a greenhouse. In this case, it is necessary to take care of the insulation of this part of the house and additional lighting. The design of a veranda in a Japanese-style country house should match the overall interior of the rooms and have thematic details. Perfectlya small fountain built in the form of water flowing from stones will fit in.

Renaissance style

Renaissance style
Renaissance style

If you want to turn your country house into a chic palace, then the Renaissance style is perfect. A distinctive feature of the style are:

  • shine and luxury;
  • presence of complex carved furniture elements;
  • symmetry and brevity of forms;
  • antique ornaments and freedom of space.

Style implies building the whole composition around the main main subject, it can be a large antique table made of solid wood or a fireplace. Much attention is paid to decorative elements that create a solemn atmosphere.

Furniture is made only from natural materials, they can be rare species of trees, chic expensive fabrics, marble. The color scheme includes warm tones of noble shades.

Using wall paintings and replicas of paintings by famous renaissance artists would be a great addition to antique furniture.


When choosing a style, rely on the specifics of your room. In a small area, for example, it will not be possible to create a full-fledged antique or minimalist style. If finances are limited, then high-tech is also not an option. Examine photos with images of interiors and think about which option will be convenient, comfortable and feasible for you to build.
