Construction 2024, September

Zero cycle in construction: composition and organization

Construction work is usually associated with the performance of installation operations and the direct erection of structures. But even before the start of the main stages of the construction of the facility, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities that are also included in the general list of construction tasks. As part of the overall project, this will be a zero cycle, which combines elements of organizational and technical work

Water supply and sanitation: systems, tariffs and rules. Water supply and sanitation in legislation

The Russian Government at the end of July 2013 approved the Law "On Water Supply and Sanitation". This project is designed to regulate the conditions for the provision of the relevant type of service. The Regulations stipulate the rules for water supply and sanitation. In this article, you can get acquainted with them

Poland: decoding (construction). Explanation of PIR, construction and installation works, commissioning

Depending on what conditions are specified in the contract, the work can be carried out by the general designer or the design customer. Have you ever wondered what a PNR is? The decoding of the abbreviation is presented in the article. Engineering surveys are carried out to obtain data on the natural conditions of the territory where construction is supposed to be carried out

Types of garages: pros, cons, features

A car is quite an expensive purchase. And, of course, in order to keep it in excellent condition for as long as possible, it is necessary to choose the right conditions of detention. Therefore, it is important to choose the right garage. From this material you will learn about the most common types of these structures, as well as their pros and cons

What is IZHS, and how to get a building plot

Every person who plans to purchase a plot for building a house should know all the characteristics of the land being sold. How not to become deceived and get the right to build housing on the purchased plot?

Ceiling beam in interior design

The ceiling beam is a decorative element used to create a variety of styles, a homely atmosphere. Ceiling beams are artificial and natural, each type has its own characteristics and purpose

Strength of concrete and its other advantages

Concrete is an ancient building material that gives strength and durability to structures. Today, concrete is widely used in various fields of activity

Composition of concrete for the foundation: proportions per 1m3. Foundation concrete: composition

The most demanded material in construction is concrete. Without it, it is impossible to build a house or lay a path. Concrete is a very strong durable material, and if it is reinforced with reinforcement, then the strength and service life increase significantly

The construction of the railway bypassing Ukraine is planned to be completed ahead of schedule

The construction of the railway bypassing Ukraine has begun. Project implementation is scheduled for the end of 2017

The order and stages of building a house

Every person planning the construction of a private residential building should know what stages of building a house should be implemented for this. The article describes numerous sequential actions that allow you to get a high-quality, reliable and safe building for life

Where is the Central Ring Road? Construction scheme of the Central Ring Road

The article is devoted to the main points of development and reconstruction of the Central Ring Road. In addition, the planned road reconstruction scheme was considered

Flexible connections for brickwork: types, cost, installation

Flexible connections for brickwork are a special corrugated rod. They are designed to ensure effective fastening of the facing material to the load-bearing wall through the insulation material. This will create a strong and stable cladding of the building

Dugout is a salvation for soldiers

Typically, a military dugout is a hastily built shelter that uses material available near military operations. Modern dugouts are also made from ready-made materials, for example, from steel sheets in the form of an arc, which, when assembled, represent a circle

Builder's liability insurance for shared construction: features when applied

The developer is obliged to issue a liability insurance contract before the conclusion of the first transaction with the buyer. Otherwise, he will not be able to register the transaction with Rosreestr. These and other additions were made in 2012 by the Federal Law No. 294 "On amendments to certain legislative acts"

Rebar - what is it? Types of fittings

In construction texts, the term "reinforcement" is often found. The word is foreign, and the semantic content can cause confusion among people who are little familiar with the specifics of its application

Shared construction: what you need to know? Shared Construction Law

Equity participation has become widespread in Russia. Companies attract investors, they build a house with their funds, which then becomes the property of the latter. Thus, you can buy an apartment in installments and pay off the debt before the completion of construction. But this is not all the opportunities provided by shared construction. What the parties to the transaction need to know about this process, what to pay attention to - read on

Olympic facilities in Sochi - ultra-modern facilities

The Winter Olympic Games, which were held in Sochi in 2014, were held at eleven sports venues. For the construction of these structures, two clusters were allocated - Mountain and Coastal, which are in the Imeretinskaya lowland

How much does it cost to build a house from foam blocks? What is the cost of building a house from foam blocks?

Building your own home always comes with a lot of questions. The most important of these is financial. Of all the existing materials, the foam block has positively proven itself in all respects. It is not too expensive, practical and durable. Those who choose it inevitably face the question of how much it costs to build a house from foam blocks. There is no single answer here, but there is a chance to calculate everything individually and independently

Why do we need an assessment of construction in progress

The target direction of an unfinished building object plays an important role, since it is possible to use it not only for its intended purpose, but also to repurpose it, depending on the established permit for this land plot. Sometimes such a construction assessment helps to see the real value of the object and understand the situation on the real estate market

How much does it cost to build a brick house? Let's try to find the answer

The article talks about the materials that will be needed for the construction of any brick house. And about the main expenses in any wallet, which will help answer the question, how much does it cost to build a brick house?

How to style medium length hair yourself?

How to style medium length hair beautifully and without the help of hairdressers? Pretty simple! You need to follow a few tips, and your hair will be on top

Project management in construction: process features

Project management in construction is a very important element of investment activity, which helps to optimize the work of all stakeholders

Sunny House gets positive reviews

The design and construction of modern buildings using the concept of "solar home", their architecture and features, thanks to the Internet, became known everywhere, even where their construction has not yet begun. Therefore, many are interested in the question of what reviews the solar house has from those who were lucky enough to live in it

Competent and correct calculation of the cost of building a house

Do you want to know how to calculate the cost of building a house? It is enough to follow a few tips, and you can calculate the price of a brick, frame, wooden house and other materials

Consolidated cost estimate for construction

Consolidated cost estimate is a document that establishes the estimated cost of construction for all objects included in the project. Based on it, a decision is made on financing the construction

Building a change house with your own hands: step by step in seven days

If you are the owner of a country plot of land, then you probably thought about how to equip it in accordance with your own preferences. In order for a family or a team of workers to live in comfort during construction, a change house can be built. It is a special kind of temporary housing, which looks like a small house with comfortable conditions

Double brick - unreasonable waste or savings

The building materials market is very diverse, manufacturers constantly offer customers new technologies for building and finishing buildings, but there are materials that have not lost their relevance and demand for centuries. Among them is a brick. There are a great many types of brick, it may differ in size, composition, purpose. In today's article, we will try to figure out what a double brick is, as well as what advantages and disadvantages it has

Replacing the foundation under a wooden house: a description of the technology and recommendations

It is important to understand that the replacement of the foundation of a wooden house should be carried out after the completion of all preparatory work. First you need to choose the design of the new base

Pile field: marking, installation procedure, acceptance

Responsibility and care are the main requirements that must be observed during construction. The process of erecting a residential building, the foundation of which will be built on a pile field, is especially important, therefore, the technique for performing these works is discussed in the article

Do-it-yourself installation of non-removable polystyrene foam formwork

The article is devoted to the installation of non-removable polystyrene foam formwork with your own hands. The installation technology of such a design, its advantages and disadvantages are considered

Hollow blocks description characteristic application

Hollow blocks are actively used in the construction of low-rise buildings today. They are an excellent alternative to heavy, full-bodied products and are ideal for private use. There are several varieties of hollow stones on the markets. We will talk about the properties and differences of each of them in our article

Solution node: description, specifications and diagrams

The Mortar Assembly is used today in production environments and by private developers, when it is necessary to ensure a continuous supply of the mixture in large volumes. Installations operating on this principle have also found their application in greenhouse production, where it is necessary to provide and plan irrigation

Installation of entrance doors: installation features, technology and recommendations

The front door is an important element of any apartment or house. It protects the premises from thieves and unwanted guests. The main criterion that it must meet is reliability. In this article, we will talk about how to install the entrance doors with your own hands

Builders St. Petersburg. List of construction companies

In this short article we will talk about the developers of St. Petersburg, discuss the most popular questions related to the purchase of an apartment, and much more. Ready? Then we can safely begin

Construction companies in Krasnoyarsk: list, reviews

Choosing a construction company is a responsible matter. And most importantly, do not make a mistake and trust real professionals. And how to find them - read below

Do I need a construction license?

A construction work license is a document that grants the right to perform construction and other types of work related to design. The license contains rules of work that must be observed

Construction master plan: development, composition, types

Plan of the site, where the exact location of all objects under construction is located, the arrangement of lifting and mounting mechanisms, as well as many other economic facilities, is a construction master plan. It displays warehouses of building structures and materials, mortar and concrete units, temporary premises for cultural, sanitary and administrative purposes, communication networks, power supply, water supply, etc

High-rise construction, Yekaterinburg. Skyscrapers of Yekaterinburg

High-rise buildings in Yekaterinburg are a priority for modern construction. "Vysotsky", "Yekaterinburg-city" - these buildings are known not only in the Ural capital, but also far beyond its borders. No less interesting is the history of high-rise construction in this city

Remote platform: types, installation and application

The remote platform is widely used as an additional structure in construction, reconstruction of multi-storey buildings, in the construction of metal frames for business centers, but the main function of the platform is considered to be the acceptance of construction cargo

Pile heads: purpose and dimensions

The pile heads differ not only in shape, which corresponds to the shape of the installed pile, but also in size. At the same time, do not forget that using a screw or concrete pile, the tip will also differ