Do it yourself

How to wash a quilt at home and dry it?

It's not necessary to run to the dry cleaner when stains appear on a quilt - it's easy to clean at home. It is enough to know some features of an unpretentious material so as not to spoil the product during the cleaning process. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to remove a blood stain from a mattress: useful tips

Blood on the mattress is an unpleasant discovery faced by many housewives. Stains are striking when preparing the bed for bed, they look ugly. How to remove a blood stain from a mattress? The article discusses the most effective ways to solve this problem. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to lengthen a skirt: step by step instructions, simple ways, advice from masters

Every woman wants to look stylish. But fashion trends change so fast that it's hard to keep up with them. What to do? Changing wardrobe again? Completely optional. There are many options for how to lengthen a skirt without spending a lot of effort and money on it. Yes, and special sewing skills are not required for this. The elongated skirts, the photos of which are presented in this article, are quite consistent with fashion trends and will not punch a big hole in the family budget. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to wash roller blinds: types of curtains, fastening, step-by-step instructions for washing, the use of detergents and nuances

In recent years, roller blinds have become increasingly popular due to their beauty and unpretentiousness. Stylish and laconic canvases fit perfectly into both modern and classic interiors. A variety of designs and special properties of such curtains allow them to be used for decorating any premises: offices, living rooms, bedrooms, nurseries, kitchens and even bathrooms. Roller blinds are loved by many housewives due to the good protection of the room from the sun and ease of maintenance. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to wash water-based paint: the most effective ways

Starting repairs, people often encounter carelessly done work, with spilled paint. No one will like such a "surprise" and you need to hurry to get rid of it. How to wash water-based paint, we will tell in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make paper blinds with your own hands: options, necessary materials, technique

One of the most popular options for curtains for windows are blinds. There are many varieties of such products. They allow you to protect the room from an excessive amount of light, as well as hide the interior of the home from the prying eyes of passers-by. One option is paper blinds. They are easy to make yourself. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to properly hang a TV on the wall: location height and mounting methods, recommendations

Now it is difficult to imagine modern life without TV. Many people even have several at home. TV is always associated with a pleasant pastime with friends or family. But in order to watch your favorite movies or TV shows comfortably, you need to know how to properly hang the TV on the wall. In today's article, we will analyze this issue in detail. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to clean dirt from suede - effective ways and reviews

Suede is attractive and incredibly comfortable. That is why they are always popular. If you have purchased high-quality shoes or clothes made from this material, sooner or later you will face the question: how to clean suede from dirt at home? The thing is that suede is quite picky: it needs dry cleaning, it simply will not survive washing. We will tell you about all the intricacies of care right now. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How do you make an antenna for digital television with your own hands?

Today, almost everyone can bring cable or satellite TV into their home and get the opportunity to watch many different channels. However, if this is a rented apartment, sometimes it is better to play it safe and make such a thing as a do-it-yourself digital television antenna. Find out how to do it right now. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to fix glasses: types of breakdowns, necessary materials and tools, step-by-step instructions for performing work and expert advice

People with reduced visual acuity find it difficult to do without corrective devices: glasses or contact lenses. The latter are not suitable for everyone, so many still use glasses. However, glasses are a rather fragile accessory that requires careful handling and proper care. Even with care, breakdowns are not uncommon. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to get rid of the musty smell of clothes: effective methods, the use of folk methods and the use of household chemicals

Tell me how often freshly washed linen that has been well dried and ironed does not lie in a chest of drawers or closet, fragrant, but exudes an unpleasant amber? When a specific “aroma” appears, many housewives seek to remove it, using both household chemicals and various folk methods for this. However, it is not always possible to remove a musty smell from things the first time. How to get rid of the musty smell of clothes? Let's talk about it right now. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to decorate a flower pot with your own hands? Ideas and photos

In our article you will find many interesting ideas on how to decorate flower pots at home using improvised materials. Also, the text will be accompanied by photographs, which will allow you to more accurately imagine what is at stake. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to prime canvas for acrylic and oil painting?

When choosing the material with which the picture will be written - oil or acrylic, you should also think about how to prime the canvas, since acrylic has a water base and is quickly absorbed, and the primer needed for it differs from the primer for the picture painted in oils. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a heater with your own hands?

The issue of home heating in some cases is quite acute. In addition, some options are portable and can be taken with you on a hike. It is for these reasons that it is worth considering such an option as assembling a heater with your own hands. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY biogas plant for heating

Recently, prices for electricity, energy carriers and other equipment are gradually increasing. This means that you have to pay more and more for the use of energy. In addition, in remote villages, towns, etc. and there may be problems with the supply of the resource. That is why biogas plants began to actively appear and be bought on the market. You can also assemble such a device with your own hands, and it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself beehive: drawings, designs, materials, stages of work

Most people who have country houses and plots are engaged in various types of garden activities. Someone grows a garden, someone is engaged in cattle breeding, and someone loves honey. Houses are a must for breeding bees. Building a beehive with your own hands is the best idea. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Homemade pipe bender for a profile pipe with your own hands

Features and methods of bending profile pipes. Classification of pipe benders by drive type and bending method. Types of homemade pipe benders for a profile pipe. Do-it-yourself manufacturing of simple and hydraulic pipe benders with a description of the principle of their operation. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself welding of polypropylene pipes for beginners

Features and categories of pipes. Do-it-yourself methods for welding polypropylene pipes for beginners. Apparatus necessary for carrying out the technological process when welding blanks from polypropylene. Parameters to consider when choosing welding machines. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Self-installation of an air conditioner in an apartment: rules, installation features and step-by-step instructions

Air conditioner, like many large household appliances, is no longer a luxury item today, indicating the well-being of its owner. But at the same time, such an acquisition is not at all cheap, which forces economical owners to engage in its self-installation. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Self-adjustment of plastic window fittings

Do-it-yourself plastic window hardware adjustment: instructions, types of work, tools, photos, recommendations. Self-adjustment of plastic window fittings: how to do it right?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a fake fireplace with your own hands? Options and General Principles

Not every apartment allows you to build a real fireplace. To simplify the task and complement the interior with a beautiful hearth, you can create a decorative design. This is a fake fireplace that can be created from different materials. Even a master without building experience can cope with this task. The technology for creating such a decorative element of the interior will be discussed in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself distillation column: device and construction technique

Do-it-yourself distillation column is ideal for getting alcohol or moonshine at home. However, the manufacture of the device requires accuracy and care, therefore it is produced according to a certain technology. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY semi-automatic welding: parts and assembly scheme

Features of the welding process under the protection of inert gas. The device of a home-made semi-automatic welding machine. The main components of a do-it-yourself semi-automatic welding machine. Features of the operation of welding equipment. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY heat pump: diagram, calculation, application

Installing a heating system with your own hands with a fuel pump is quite profitable in terms of ease of use. When this unit is turned on, it does not make noise, does not create an unpleasant odor, and, which is quite pleasant, there is no need to install a chimney or any other additional structures. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to assemble a 3D printer with your own hands?

Not so long ago, people didn't even know what a 3D printer was. However, the rapid development of technology has led not only to the spread of such devices, but also to the fact that now you can assemble a 3d printer with your own hands. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Stone window sill: do-it-yourself installation

The optimal solution for most modern houses and apartments will be a stone window sill made of solid stone slabs of great length, which in some cases can reach 3.5 meters. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself oyster mushroom mycelium. Growing technology

Foods like mushrooms are a valuable and he althy nutrient. At home, the cultivation of oyster mushrooms and mushrooms has become widespread. Such cultivation guarantees the absence of carcinogens and nitrates, which are easily absorbed by mushrooms. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Chandelier repair: recommendations from professionals

When a chandelier breaks, many people immediately buy a new one. But you can also use another option. For example, independently carry out repairs to the chandelier. This method is much cheaper. All you need is to know all the subtleties and secrets of repair. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to DIY shoe repair

The most common shoe problems that need repair. What to do if the shoes sagged? Sole Crack Repair. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Space in a jar: how to make an original craft

Handicraft lovers have long appreciated how beautiful space in a jar is, how to make it - they figured it out - and willingly decorate with man-made galaxies not only apartments and offices, but also themselves. Small bottles with space are given to loved ones as souvenirs, worn in the form of pendants, clinging to keys like key chains - but you never know what a person with imagination can come up with. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to clear a blockage in the sink? Unblocking a kitchen or bathroom sink

Do you have a blockage in the sewer, and you do not know how to clear the blockage in the sink? Everything is very simple, as there are several ways to help get rid of the problem that has appeared. In each case, it is best to use a separate cleaning method to ensure that the blockage in the sewer pipe and sink is cleared. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to repair a DIY LED spotlight: repair and troubleshooting

LED spotlights today are considered a very popular and indispensable thing. However, like any other technique, spotlights are subject to constant breakdowns. To fix the problem, you should refer to the terminology and theory for the construction of LED spotlights. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Let's talk about how to paint barrels in the country

Many people have kept inventory in their dachas for years, which has not been used for a long time. So barrels stand without use with rust or holes. And every time this garden utensil catches our eye, we are going to finally throw it away. But it is better to use these barrels for other purposes, for example, decorate your garden with these containers, plant flowers in them, put something. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to remove limescale: effective means and methods

Timely and thorough cleaning will prevent the accumulation of limescale in the bathroom. After reviewing the methods and options for how to remove limescale from a faucet, sink, toilet, tile presented in this article, you can use proven folk remedies and note their effectiveness. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Bike trailer - fun and convenient! How to make a trailer-carriage for children to a bicycle with your own hands?

The bicycle is a long-standing invention of mankind, in itself is a unique device. In order to expand its functionality, people began to use additional designs, and bicycle trailers belong to them. Bicycle trailer helps to solve some problems during transportation. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

IC 555 Application

The NE555 integrated timer chip is a real breakthrough in the field of electronics. It was created in 1972 by Hans R. Camenzind of Signetics. The invention has not lost its relevance to this day. Later, the device became the basis of timers with double (IN556N) and quad configuration (IN558N). Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a flower bed out of a tire - a master class

When the very first warm spring days come, each owner of a personal plot has a manic desire to turn his garden into a real fairy tale of landscape design. And the use of old car tires for such purposes will add originality. This will allow you to make exclusive compositions without much effort and expense. Here's how to make a flower bed out of a tire, we'll talk today. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Insulation of the roof from the inside with your own hands. roof insulation technology

As you know, one of the main tasks of the roof of any building is to protect the structure from moisture penetration and the influence of other external factors. In addition, the roof must reliably retain heat in the house. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Homemade car: description of work

The simplest technique for a summer resident is a wheelbarrow. The store has a decent assortment, but many people have a question about whether it is possible to make it yourself. This is a primitive device that does not have a complicated design. At the same time, the price at points of sale is high, sometimes frightening. The way out of this situation is a homemade car. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY equipment stand made of wood

The article describes the manufacture of five different racks for equipment with their own hands from wood, gives recommendations for painting and assembling elements. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01