
Hydrangea flowers - what could be more beautiful?

Hydrangea amazes with its beauty and splendor of flowering. For many gardeners, it is a dream, because the shrub is completely strewn with delicate inflorescences. The plant belongs to the Hydrangea family, which has about 100 species. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Marinated wild garlic - a storehouse of vitamins

In early spring, immediately after the snow has melted, tender leaves of a bear’s onion, or simply wild garlic, sprout in forest glades. The benefits of this plant are enormous - the content of carotene, ascorbic acid, phytoncides, essential oil and lysozyme in the leaves and bulbs makes it an indispensable spring food. Here it pleases people for a short time - by mid-June, from its thickets and the trace is cold. All the useful content of the leaves is preserved by pickled wild garlic. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Golden currant: description, reproduction, planting and care

Currant is quite a popular berry in our gardens. Every summer resident has at least a bush. Such popularity is due to the fact that this berry is incredibly he althy, tasty and fragrant. It is an invariable component of compotes, various jams, it is added to pastries, and also simply eaten raw. But in our gardens we are accustomed to seeing black currants, red, less often white. Almost everyone has them. But until now, few gardeners know about the existence of golden currants. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Raspberry fragrant: variety description, cultivation, reproduction

Description of fragrant raspberry, how best to plant it, recommendations for care, watering and feeding; propagation methods and advantages of this plant. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Lettuce plant: varieties, cultivation, useful properties

How often do you notice that nature helps to overcome some difficult, or rather unfavorable periods, for example, associated with spring beriberi! To combat it, she created an amazing vegetable ( although many people think it is a herb) - lettuce. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Autumn colchicum: description, planting and care at home

Autumn colchicum is an amazing and unpretentious plant that has medicinal properties, but at the same time is poisonous. How to grow it in your area? You will learn about it from this article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Good carrot seeds: the opinion of gardeners

When we choose carrot seeds for sowing, we are primarily guided by the recognition of the variety, yield, and we certainly want the fruits to have excellent taste. Breeders at this time stage have already bred several tens of thousands of different hybrid seeds. And if earlier all people sowed 2-3 well-known varieties of carrots in their beds, now the range of gardening stores is simply amazing. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The best varieties of carrots: overview, description and characteristics

Vegetables are an integral part of life. They saturate the human body with vitamins and help strengthen the immune system. In cities with a cold climate, they are indispensable. What vegetables are used most often? It's carrots and onions. Their combination adorns everything from soup to salads. A large number of people are engaged in crops of carrots at home. But how to choose a variety for this, which will definitely take root and will not leave you without vitamins?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Nantes Carrot: variety origin, yield, reviews

Nantes Carrot is perhaps the most famous Russian variety among the fiery orange root crops. There is no such gardener who would not sow the seeds presented in the garden at least once in his life. Not only that: many grow a popular variety year after year without switching to imported hybrids. What is the reason for this persistence?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Choose your white flower

Perhaps, in every garden and in any summer cottage, some kind of white flower grows. In a similar shade range, nature has produced a whole variety of plants: large and small, annuals and centenarians, high and low. Therefore, choosing the right decoration for your garden, which will be in harmony directly with the exterior of your house and the landscaping of the site, is as easy as shelling pears. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Saffron flower - decoration or spice?

Saffron is considered the king of spices and is very expensive. This seasoning is added to oriental dishes. Saffron is also used as a dye. But not everyone knows that saffron and crocus are two names for the same plant. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Varieties of indoor plants. Names, cultivation and care

Indoor plants can be seen in the interior of almost any apartment. Each of us knows perfectly well that flowers in pots are only beneficial, saturating our home with such necessary, especially recently, oxygen. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Medlar Caucasian - an unusual fruit

Under one common name, two fruit plants are known: Caucasian and Japanese loquat. At the same time, their differences are so obvious that botanists attributed them to different species and genera of the Rosaceae family. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Japanese loquat: description, useful properties, cultivation, reproduction

Japanese medlar is a subtropical plant that came to us from Northern India and China. And recently, it has been actively cultivated in Japan, which is why it has acquired such a name. If you want to learn everything about growing Japanese medlar at home, then our article is for you. Today we will tell you about what this exotic fruit is and what useful properties it has. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Pea Seeds: Best Varieties and Growing Tips

Peas: a description of the culture. Species diversity of peas. Soup varieties of sugar peas: features. Dessert sugar peas: recommended varieties. Characteristics of peeling varieties. Features of sowing seeds. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Tagetes: growing from seeds

Tagetes are another representatives of the Astrov family. They have a wide variety of annual and perennial species. In Russia, they were the first overseas flowers, as they came here to South and Central America in the sixteenth century. The Indians used them for various ceremonies and rituals, and it was also believed that these cute flowers could cure various diseases. Now marigolds, or black-breasts, are distributed throughout the globe. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

"Festival" strawberry - an undeservedly forgotten variety

"Festival" strawberry is considered a Russian variety, so it is resistant to disease and drought. Every gardener expects a bountiful harvest, but not everyone knows the peculiarities of growing this variety. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Roses spray: varieties, care

Many types of roses and their varieties grow in nature. They differ in growing conditions, flowering periods, shape, color of flowers and other characteristics. This article discusses spray roses: varieties, names, care for them. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Where is the birthplace of eggplant? Why do we love this vegetable?

Everyone's favorite eggplant is a favorite of almost all peoples. What country is the birthplace of eggplant? Why do all nations love him?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Fertilizers for roses - types, features, procedure and norms of use

Rose is rightfully considered the queen of flowers and the queen of fragrances all over the world. It is most often grown in garden beds. But in order for the plant to please gardeners with its marvelous flowers, it must be carefully looked after. Not the last role in this direction is played by fertilizers for roses. What are they and how to use them correctly? Let's look at it in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to grow eggplant and achieve high yields

The birthplace of eggplant is India. This is a herbaceous heat-loving plant, the fruits of which have an elongated shape and purple color. In harsh climatic conditions, this representative of the flora is grown in seedlings, and then transplanted into a greenhouse. How to get a great harvest of eggplant, will be discussed in this article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Pumpkin Candy: variety description and reviews

Pumpkin has long been a welcome guest on the tables of people of different classes: from the poor to kings. Some peoples treated her with reverence, as a gift from the gods, others revered her as a nurse and a storehouse of he alth and longevity. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Lily pink - the queen of the garden

Truly a royal flower - pink lily. Her beauty and perfection will not leave anyone indifferent. A novice gardener can also grow this beauty, she is so unpretentious in care. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Potato care after planting in the open field

Potato is not in vain called the second bread. After the flour product, it is the next most popular one found on our table. And finally, it's planted. Many amateur gardeners stop there, hoping for "maybe" and "give a year" in anticipation of a good harvest. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Garden paint for trees: types and description

Garden paint for trees will allow gardeners to effortlessly care for their plantings, protect them from pests and enjoy a beautiful well-groomed garden. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Zucchini Iskander: variety features, reviews

Iskander zucchini, the reviews are only positive among experienced gardeners, have proven themselves well in the domestic market, although they were acclimatized in Krasnodar not so long ago. Delight everyone with early ripening, delicate taste and excellent yield. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Bed of plastic bottles. Warm beds from plastic bottles

Requests of far from all gardeners can fit on a standard six acres. And for the majority, the principle works: the more land, the more you want, and it’s really hard to pacify your gastronomic needs, because the land is now expensive. It is for such gardeners that modern "crazy hands" figured out how to combine needs with opportunities, namely, vertical beds were created. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Potato Tuleevsky: variety description (photo)

The popularity of potatoes in our country can only be compared with the popularity of bread. There are many varieties of it. Tuleevsky potatoes can be consumed in absolutely any form, except, of course, raw. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Garden strawberries: spring care, cultivation and description of varieties

It is not surprising that garden strawberries are the most common berry crop that grows in our gardens and orchards. Its sweet, juicy and fragrant fruits give pleasure to children and adults fresh, frozen, with sugar and sour cream, in the form of jam, juices or compotes. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Cherry Kharitonovskaya: variety description, reviews

Cherry Kharitonovskaya (description, reviews and care are presented in the article) is a wonderful representative of fruit trees. The unpretentiousness and unpretentiousness of this variety make it a welcome inhabitant in any garden. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Grapes Harold: variety description, photos and reviews

The Harold grape variety, the characteristics and description of which will be presented in the article, has recently taken root in Siberian gardens. And even there he was able to surprise many with his early ripening period, excellent quality with weighty bunches, bright unforgettable taste. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

"California miracle" (pepper): reviews. Description of the variety, growing conditions

Sweet bell pepper is a welcome vegetable in any garden. This vitamin giant has been enjoyed in Europe since the 15th century. Pepper came to us relatively recently and took root well, although it prefers warmer countries. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Bow Stuttgarter Risen: description, planting and care

It's hard to imagine a dacha without a few beds allocated for sowing onions. Today, summer residents face a difficult choice, because there are a great many varieties of this vegetable. Among them, the Stuttgarter Riesen bow is a worthy representative of its kind. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Decorative moss - the most unpretentious plant

The main thing that the owner of a lawn covered with a moss carpet should provide is shade and a sufficient amount of moisture. Care of such a lawn consists only in cleaning fallen leaves and branches. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Everything you wanted to know about the Allegro pear

Description of the "Allegro" pear variety, its advantages and disadvantages. Variety reviews and tips for growing a fruit tree. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Bacterial fertilizers: types, properties, characteristics and applications

Fertile land is the value of the country. But sooner or later they run out. Well, if the soil is poor in minerals, then the harvest will be poor. In this case, experts recommend regularly using biological fertilizers. They are safe for human he alth and have a positive effect on crop quality. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Anthurium red: care and cultivation

Anthurium red is an ornamental potted plant, characterized by juicy wide leaves and bright inflorescences. This exotic plant can be seen more and more often in apartments. This flower feels great at home, and with proper care it can bloom all year round. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Shrubs (roses): description and photo. Semi-climbing roses

Unpretentious and magnificent scrubs are a worthy decoration of parks and home gardens. Planting and caring for semi-climbing and miniature roses. Popular varieties of spray roses and reviews about them. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Red Chief - dream apples

Among the wide variety of existing varieties of apples, the late-winter apple variety Red Chief stands out with its excellent taste characteristics and attractive appearance - a representative of the American selection, which is the result of crossing Jonathan and Wagner varieties. Red Chief - apples, attractive both in appearance and in taste. Pleasant aroma, sweet taste, beautiful presentation, keeping quality almost until spring - the variety has absorbed the best qualities. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Flowering shrubs for the garden. ornamental shrubs

What better decoration than flowering shrubs for the garden! Bright, fluffy, colorful, they will charm any hostess. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01