
Characteristics and description of the metal run

Metal purlin is a structural element of a building in the form of a horizontal beam. It relies on columns, other elements and beams to support the roof of the building. It is an important part of the load-bearing structure, as it provides support for the roof covering and helps fix it to the frame surface. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Corner apartment: pros and cons, layout, living comfort and reviews

Advantages and disadvantages of corner apartments in high-rise buildings. Ways to fix problems with minimal cost. Comparison of apartments in panel, brick buildings and new buildings. Useful tips and feedback from owners. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Staircase with a 90 degree turn: options, calculation, manufacturing and installation

Staircase is a mandatory element in a two- and three-story country house. In most cases, such structures are rotary. That is, they have two interfloor platforms or cross-country steps. Stairs with a 90 degree turn, of course, must be properly designed and assembled. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Building a house out of Lego bricks

Due to the development of the building materials market, there are more and more options and good alternatives to standard types of building construction. A novelty in this regard is the Lego brick house. Since when building, you can immediately get the cladding and save time and money on finishing materials, the idea of building in this way is becoming increasingly popular. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Supporting beams on beams: types of floors, minimum tolerances, advice from experienced builders

How is the overlapping and mounting of the beam on the supporting wall? What is the minimum support of a beam on a load-bearing wall is permissible in construction and how to properly mount the structure? Basic rules of work and professional advice. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to use the h-shaped rule? Types and features

For leveling plaster solutions on walls and ceilings, special tools are used - rules. There are several types of such devices. And one of the most popular at the moment are h-shaped rules. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Reinforcement of the column: norms and requirements, ways to strengthen the structure

The device of concrete and reinforced concrete structures provides for additional reinforcement due to reinforcing bars. The latter, by the way, is one of the most demanded segments of the ferrous metallurgy, which, again, is confirmed by its widespread use in construction. With regard to concrete columns, reinforcement plays a particularly important role due to the impossibility of using other supporting structures other than the lower and upper floors. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Arched hangar: main advantages

The arched hangar is a reliable structure built on the basis of a metal frame covered with sheet metal. Most of the external coatings of arched hangars are protected by galvanization, which significantly slows down the development of corrosion processes and extends the life of the building. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Thermal conductivity of the foam block. Brand of foam block for building a house

Foam block, or foam concrete, as it is also called, is a block-type building material with a cellular structure. One of the rather significant advantages of the foam block is thermal conductivity. With it, you can create a fairly warm and durable residential building. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Calculation of insulation thickness: choice of material, calculation procedure for various surfaces

In order to choose the optimal insulation, you need to know how to calculate the thickness of the insulation in a particular case and how to calculate if there are different materials in the work. Compliance with the insulation technology will significantly save on heating in the future and save you from high material costs in connection with the consumption of electricity, as well as for the possible repair of the building due to the appearance of fungus, mold, destruction of building structures and other negative consequences. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The wall is an element of strengthening

A wall is a masonry element that serves to support other building parts. Depending on what material is used, the partition should be made of a similar one to enhance the power of the building. There are several masonry options that provide support for other elements of the house. Most often, the construction of a pier is done during the redevelopment of housing in order to enhance sound insulation. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Gable roofs: device, installation methods, calculation, design, photo

When a house or any other structure is erected, the question arises: what will be the roof? And the best option is a gable design. The construction process is not difficult and does not take much time. At the same time, everyone will be able to independently implement this project, without skills and abilities. It remains only to understand the structure of the gable roof. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Metal tile ridge: types, installation, sealant

The ridge for metal tiles is the final part of the roofing system. Manufacturers produce several varieties that differ in mounting options and configuration. Skate for metal tiles is best purchased from trusted manufacturers. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Preparation of surfaces for plastering: instructions for all types of walls

In order for the plaster to be firmly attached to the wall, it is necessary to prepare the surfaces for plastering before applying it, since without this work there will be no reliable connection between the materials. If you apply a layer of mortar on an unprepared wall, it will first crack, and then it may even crumble. Therefore, before starting to plaster, it is necessary to determine what material the walls are made of, since different wall preparations are made for each of them. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

What is a strip foundation: project, foundation calculation, dimensions, types, work technology and reviews

What is a strip foundation and how can you create such a building on the site with your own hands? What materials should be used for the work and what kind of concrete can I choose? Advantages and disadvantages of the strip foundation, the terms of its operation. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a do-it-yourself cabin frame

The article will tell you how to make a do-it-yourself frame of a change house from metal or wood. Almost every owner of a country house or summer cottage faces the problem of storing fertilizers, equipment, hoses, etc. Even building materials need to be stored in a change house to prevent moisture or sunlight from getting on them. And now we will talk about several options for change houses that can be translated into reality on your site. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Vertical foundation waterproofing: types, execution technology, materials, advantages and disadvantages

The article will focus on the vertical waterproofing of the foundation with roll materials and coating materials, and will also briefly talk about horizontal insulation, since it is no less important. Water is able to destroy any building structures of the building, makes them completely unusable, significantly reduces the service life. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Layout of small houses: options, unusual solutions, convenience of living and photos with examples

The independent construction of small houses is gaining more and more popularity. The advantages are obvious - a private courtyard and the absence of neighbors in the immediate vicinity, which is always observed in high-rise buildings. The layout of small houses has many options that are created taking into account the area used, the number of floors and other nuances. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The distance from the septic tank to the well: sanitary standards and requirements, device, tips from the masters

It is very important to observe the distance from the septic tank to the well, as well as the fence and the public road, according to SNiP. The system should be removed from the fences by 2 m, and from the roadway - by 5 m. If these rules are not followed, this can lead to problems with the SES. An incorrectly located unit can be dismantled by the decision of the inspection authorities. Such work will necessarily entail financial costs, so it is recommended to do everything right the first time. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Wood facade decoration: options

Facing facade surfaces with natural wood is still one of the most common ways to decorate the exterior of the house. And as alternative finishes become available, the range of options for traditional cladding expands. But, regardless of the chosen technology for finishing the facade with wood, the durability and aesthetic properties of the external protection will depend on the quality of the installation work. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Galvanized chimney pipe: types, selection criteria, assembly and installation features, reviews

Not a single private house can do without a chimney channel, in which there is a boiler or gas equipment. Technically, measures to organize a system for the removal of combustion products may seem too troublesome and costly, but modern technologies have optimized the processes for arranging furnaces and boilers. Instead of traditional masonry, you can use a galvanized pipe of the desired diameter to equip the chimney. It is easy to attach and does not require special maintenance operations. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Attic insulation

The attic is a non-residential under-roof space, which is usually not heated, on the one hand it is limited by the roof, and on the other - by ceilings. Warming is usually performed here in order to cut off the main housing from the street. Since the roof accounts for a significant part of the heat loss, attic insulation is a very important task, which should be taken as seriously as possible. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Insulation of walls with foam plastic

Styrofoam wall insulation is currently a very popular way to make living in a house with freezing walls more comfortable, while also reducing the costs associated with heating a home. This operation is performed in several main stages, each of which is very important. The first thing to do is to prepare the surface. If we are talking about external walls, then there should be only plaster without any decorations. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Ventilation in the steam room with your own hands. Do you need ventilation in the steam room?

The dream of any homeowner or summer resident is his own bathhouse. Here you can relax and take a steam bath, as well as improve your body after hard everyday life. However, this is possible only if normal conditions are observed in the steam room. Do you need ventilation in the steam room? To ensure optimal circulation of fresh and hot air, it is simply indispensable. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Technology for the production of works using the "wall in the ground" method

Depending on the hydrogeological characteristics of the area and how deep the premises will be, underground construction can be done in one of several ways. The most common are: "wall in the ground", the method of the fall well, as well as the open method. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Supply ventilation in an apartment with filtration: how to choose and install

The article is devoted to supply ventilation systems with filtration. The device of such equipment, functionality, installation technology, etc. are considered. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Clapboard trim

Pine, larch, aspen and linden lining is a suitable material for finishing houses and baths. It is important to pay special attention to its quality when buying, since marriage is quite common. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

GVLV: specifications. Moisture resistant gypsum fiber sheets: application

The modern building materials market is constantly updated with various new products, which, due to their characteristics and qualities, are beginning to be in high demand among consumers. Such innovations include gypsum fiber, or gypsum fiber sheet. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

House from a heat block: reviews of the owners. Houses and cottages from heat blocks

The house from the heat block is widely used among consumers for many reasons, the main one being the heat-saving characteristics of such buildings. Despite the fact that the described blocks appeared relatively recently on the building materials market, they managed to take their rightful place on it and are gradually gaining the status of a leader among alternative solutions. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Metal tile "Andalusia": photo, specifications, colors, installation and operation

Andalusia metal tile is an excellent solution for roofing of residential, commercial and industrial buildings. Many advantages in operation and ease of installation are just a part of how this roof differs from many other building materials. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

The cheapest siding: the nuances of choice

How to decorate the facade of the building with style and quality and at the same time at an affordable price? How not to go "in the red" during the repair? What "pitfalls" await the buyer when choosing cheap panels?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Installing a gutter system: materials, general rules

If you have some skills in construction, then installing a gutter system will not cause much difficulty. In addition, each manufacturer today provides instructions for the work, which helps to organize the drain on their own. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

What is the best material to make stairs for the porch

The porch can be called the face of every home. The better it is done, the more interesting and spectacular the housing will look. One of the stages in the construction of the porch is the creation of steps. This case has its own nuances that are worth considering. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make independent heating in the apartment. Autonomous heating in the apartment: price, reviews

Autonomous heating in the apartment - how profitable is it? How to get permission to install it if local governments are against it? If you are still in doubt, read the article carefully and make your choice. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to build a skating rink with your own hands?

In the winter season, the best way to spend a fun and he althy weekend is to go to the ice rink. On such sites there is entertainment for lovers of skiing, skating and even sledding. It is not difficult to find an ice rink within megacities, but what should residents of small towns and villages do? The answer is simple - build a skating rink with your own hands. What do you need to know to cope with this task and how to care for the finished site? We will talk about this in our article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Butt - what is it?

What is a butt? What is the meaning of this word in the construction industry? And what are the features of its use?. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Granite steps - an excellent solution for residential and public buildings

Granite steps are often used in administrative and public buildings to give an aesthetic appearance. In addition, products made of natural stone have high performance properties, which determines their durability and successful resistance to both increased loads and difficult weather conditions. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to calculate the consumption of cement per cube of concrete?

In order for the construction to be as easy as possible, it is very important to make all the calculations correctly. And first of all, this applies specifically to concrete, since any concrete pouring must be done at a time. Learn how to correctly calculate the consumption of cement for one cube of concrete, and be sure that your house will last as long as possible. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Double switch connection diagram: installation recommendations

Practically everyone knows what a double switch is. It is convenient and practical. Installing it yourself will not be difficult. To do this, you need to use our instructions. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

What you need to know when making a hardwood floor over wooden beams

Now wooden structures are used everywhere. It is not only cheaper, but also much more practical than using stone or metal frames. Nevertheless, wood, like other materials, has its own characteristics. If you want your hardwood floors to last for many years, then you should definitely read this guide. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01