Do it yourself

Painting a bicycle frame with your own hands

Sooner or later a bicycle frame may require painting. The reasons are different. At the same time, it is important to choose the right paint and varnish material, prepare the surface and perform the main work strictly according to the instructions. Do you want to do everything without mistakes? Read our article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to mount a booster: types of mounts, step-by-step instructions and installation tips

Motorists with families and traveling anywhere with small children must ensure a high level of safety. When the child is still very small, he is put in a special child seat. It reduces the risk of injury while driving. But what about relatively older children? The alternative is a booster. It gives more freedom for a child from 3 years old. Young parents are wondering how to mount the booster in the car, because some will have to do it for the first time. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Doggy house for a dog out of the box: ideas, instructions for making and decorating

A pet becomes a member of the family. Therefore, in order for him to be comfortable, you need to take care of his own house. This is a place to relax, where a four-legged pet can take a nap, hide from the hustle and bustle. Pet stores have a large selection of special beds and houses for dogs. Their cost may seem too high to someone. In this case, it is quite possible to make a dog house with your own hands from the box. Interesting ideas and recommendations will be discussed in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Ideas for creating do-it-yourself cake coasters

A beautiful cake with a lot of decorations and simply filled with mirror glaze requires an appropriate presentation. And an ordinary tray, even the most beautiful one, is not suitable for this. This task is best handled by special substrates that you can make yourself. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make hydrophilic tiles: recipe, how to use

Women are constantly striving to look younger and more attractive. First of all, it concerns skin care. After all, people look at the face and determine the age of the lady by appearance. To get beautiful, velvety skin, you need to take good care of it. There is a huge variety of different creams and tonics for skin care. But hydrophilic body tiles began to gain great popularity (recipes will be discussed later). Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to get the smell of burning out of an apartment: effective methods and tips

Even the most attentive and responsible housewives in the kitchen have unpleasant situations: food burns in a saucepan or a towel lights up. Sometimes more serious problems arise. For example, an electrical wiring burns or a fire starts. After that, a persistent and heavy “aroma” appears for the body, which is not so easy to get rid of. How to weather the smell of burning from the apartment? Let's look further in our article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to clean a cauldron from soot at home: an overview of the means and effective ways

If you use such kitchen utensils as a cauldron, then you should be aware of the problems in cleaning it. Some are wondering how to remove old stains. To date, several effective methods are known. You can use them in combination if one turns out to be ineffective. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to wash padding jackets: manufacturer's recommendations, choice of detergent and mode when washing in a machine

Sintepon jackets have become popular not only due to a wide range, but also because of their performance properties (they are able to retain body heat even at a temperature of -30 ° C) and low cost. But such a jacket will please for a long time only if it is washed correctly. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a tripod for a phone: purpose of a tripod, materials, manufacturing

Mobile technology has come a long way over the past 20 years, and a high-resolution camera on a smartphone is no longer a surprise. This is good. You no longer need to carry a camera or camcorder with you all the time. In order for the frame to be of good quality, you can’t do without one gadget. This is a tripod. But you must admit that carrying a tripod with you is not the best option. Therefore, in this article we will look at 5 ways to make a tripod for your phone from improvised means. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself birdhouses for birds: types, drawings, necessary materials and step-by-step instructions for performing work

After looking at the photos of the original birdhouses for birds, you can make one of them with your own hands. An excellent solution would be natural wood. But it is better not to use conifers. Interior surfaces should be left untreated to allow birds to move around the home. In order to carry out work on the manufacture of a birdhouse, you should prepare the boards. It is better if it is pre-dried raw alder or birch wood. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to eliminate blockage in the toilet at home: features, methods and recommendations

How to clear a blockage in the toilet? The first thing to do is to establish where the source of its occurrence is located. To do this, you will have to study the device of the sewer riser in the kitchen and bathroom. It should be borne in mind that the blockage can be general. For tenants of an apartment building, the problem becomes joint in some situations. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Homemade heating radiator. Do-it-yourself heating in a private house

Despite the fact that you can find a wide range of radiators on sale, there are craftsmen who make such devices on their own. Pipe radiators today find their wide application in garages, cottages and in small country houses. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to shorten curtains without cutting: methods and recommendations

Due to moving to a new apartment or for some other reason, sometimes you have to cut the curtains because of their length or change them to new ones. This is especially true when they are in the kitchen, where short curtains are more suitable, or in a room where the ceilings are low. For such cases, there is a great option. You can shorten curtains without cutting them. And it's actually a creative idea. Because there are many ways to shorten curtains without trimming. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to wipe tape from furniture: effective ways

Scotch tape is without a doubt one of the useful inventions of mankind. This is an adhesive tape with which many tasks are solved. But, despite the fact that it can perform several functions, duct tape also has one serious drawback. After it, traces remain on the surface of the walls and furniture. It is unlikely that such stains can be wiped off with a regular rag. Therefore, many housewives are interested in how to wipe tape from furniture. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to wash superglue by hand: effective methods, necessary tools, reviews

In everyday life, people often have to fix broken things. At times like these, superglue comes to the rescue. It has a quick hitch and helps things get a second life. Glue is an indispensable thing when carrying out repairs. The only disadvantage of this tool is that it is difficult to wash off your hands. You need to work with it only with gloves. Many neglect the safety rules, and then ask how to wash superglue off their hands. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Cleaning the carpet with soda and vinegar: features, tips and reviews

When cleaning the carpet with baking soda and vinegar, do not use too hot water and a hard brush. Even the slightest wetting of the carpet must be dried well, otherwise putrefactive bacteria and fungi may start to form in the material, which will begin to emit an unpleasant odor. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to wash caramel from a pan: effective methods, application features, reviews

The purpose of the article is to tell the reader how to wash burnt caramel. To clean aluminum, enamelled, stainless steel, cast iron or ceramic cookware, you can use a variety of products. For these purposes, housewives use household chemicals, citric acid, vinegar, soda and other substances. But for each type of coating, you will have to look for a suitable tool, so the article discusses the main options for how to wash caramel. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Lamps for illuminating stairs: types, installation features, photos

Proper lighting of the stairs in the house or on the street can solve many problems. Among them, the most important are safety and ease of use, improving aesthetic qualities. In both the first and second cases, it is necessary to correctly select the level of illumination, its type, as well as the basic concept of the interior or facade. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to wipe a pen from linoleum: folk methods, professional tools, tips and tricks

Linoleum is considered a fairly unpretentious material. It is easy to wash. You just need to periodically care for him. But when it comes to ink stains, they are difficult to deal with even on a smooth finish. How to wipe a pen from linoleum? This article provides some tips and tricks. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

5 Ways to Remove Carpet Wax

Cleaning the carpet, in itself, can be difficult and tedious, and when wax stains appear on it, it can leave the owner in a stupor. But in fact, there are several ways to remove such stains quickly and effectively. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Homemade rat trap: types, necessary materials and technology

If you want to make a homemade rat trap with your own hands, then you can make a panel trap. The inlet will look like a valve with sharp petals. This design is even used to catch moles in garden plots. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to bleach white woolen things: tips and tricks

The article discusses popular options for bleaching white woolen items. In this case, you can use traditional folk methods or special household chemicals. Taking into account the recommendations provided in the article, it will turn out to bleach woolen things at home. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to take measurements from a child for sewing correctly

Once again buying a new thing for your child, you think that you could sew such a thing yourself. Sometimes you just can't find what you want. If you have basic skills in working with fabric and a sewing machine, then it's time to try sewing your own clothes for a child. Start with simple patterns, and gradually move on to more complex products. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself geothermal heating: concept, work procedure and necessary materials

These components can fail when exposed to high temperatures. During soldering work, the valve must be insulated with asbestos cloth. The control valve must match the capacity of the evaporator. Equipping geothermal heating at home with your own hands, at the next stage after the manufacture of the main parts, you will need to assemble the structure into one block. The most critical stage is the injection of refrigerant or coolant. Carry out such an operation yourself. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a wooden pendant with your own hands

In the article, we will consider how you can make a wooden pendant yourself at home. You will learn what tools the craftsmen use, how to clean the surface so that the pendant is smooth and shiny, what kind of varnish is recommended for coating so that the jewelry remains beautiful for a long time. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make plasticine "Play-Do" with your own hands. Do-it-yourself Play-Doh plasticine without cooking: a master class

You can make Play-Do plasticine with your own hands. You can buy s alt dough from domestic manufacturers in the store, but how much can you trust the information on the composition indicated on the package? The Play-Doh manufacturer focuses specifically on the safety of its plasticine, if a child accidentally eats it (or intentionally), this will not bring harm to he alth. Making homemade dough for modeling with your own hands, you know exactly what ingredients were added to it. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY barbell: assembly instructions

How to make a neck? Do-it-yourself barbell: we make "pancakes" - from plastic bottles, cement, bricks, paint cans, wooden. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to wash a down jacket at home?

It happens like this: you buy a down jacket, wear it and rejoice until the moment of forced washing comes. Then the product completely loses its attractiveness and stops heating. That is why in this we will tell the reader how to properly wash a down jacket. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to clean a white leather bag at home?

White leather bag is an accessory owned by many of the fair sex. This thing looks very attractive, but it cannot be called practical. With improper handling and lack of proper care, the product loses its presentation ahead of time. How to clean a white leather bag that you don't want to part with? The answer to this question can be found in the article. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to properly putty walls: tips, tricks

If the owner of the apartment decided to carry out repairs on his own, then he will definitely need knowledge of how to properly putty the walls. Therefore, it is recommended to treat any coating before decorative finishing. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself water supply in the country: scheme, materials, installation technology

Plastic are the most common. They are reliable and durable, and also able to cope with the tasks assigned to them. Such pipes do not rust, which allows them to be sewn into the walls. Next, a plumbing diagram is drawn up. All dimensions must be indicated on the drawing. So you can determine the footage and the number of components. They are purchased with a margin of 15%. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a pool with your own hands in the country?

On hot summer days, many people dream of being in cool water. Many people think that such a structure as a swimming pool is just a privilege for the rich. However, it is not. Building a pool in the country with your own hands is quite within the power of even one person. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Chromium plating at home with your own hands: process technology

Currently, the problems of chrome plating at home are quite acute. The reason is the rather high price tag for such services from specialized workshops. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

DIY attic stairs: step by step instructions

Do-it-yourself attic stairs are quite simple, but it takes time and patience, as well as the right drawing and materials. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself chicken coop for 20 chickens. How to build a warm chicken coop

It is not so difficult to build a chicken coop for 20 chickens with your own hands. To do this, you can use any materials, while the design itself is simple and easy to erect. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a greenhouse out of window frames with your own hands?

Many farmers are interested in the question of how to make a greenhouse out of window frames with your own hands? This structure has a fairly simple design, consisting of a support, a frame and a cover. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to make a wooden barrel with your own hands

When making an oak wooden barrel, in the next step you will need to perform riveting. To do this, a template and a pattern are made; in this case, it is necessary to act taking into account the shape and dimensions of a particular product. First, you will markup, as well as rough processing of riveting blanks. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Do-it-yourself doll room: work order, necessary materials and expert advice

If you want to make a surprise for your daughter, then in secret from her you can make an incredible gift, from which the child will be delighted. This article will focus on the room for dolls. With your own hands, you can make it quite simply from improvised materials. In this case, the budget will be several times less compared to the factory version. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

Homemade rollers for sliding gates with your own hands: design, detailed description of manufacturing

For work, you can borrow bearings from the generator of the Zhiguli car. The inner diameter of the bearings can be equal to the limit from 14 to 40 mm. It must fit in the pipe and move freely along it. For the axes of the carriages, you can use M18 studs, which are cut into pieces of the desired length. You will also need an 8 mm iron plate for the base of the guide roller carriages for sliding gates. With your own hands, you can cope with the task if you use thick metal. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01

How to clean the frying pan from soot at home

If you are interested in the question of how to clean a cast iron pan from carbon deposits, you can use boiling, which is not suitable for non-stick utensils. The pan is placed on the stove over medium heat. As soon as the dishes are heated, which can be checked with a drop of water, 1 glass of water is added to it, which must be boiled. Dishwashing liquid is added inside. Last modified: 2025-01-22 22:01